
Feb 6, 2019
JP Trump went:
What in Hillary's emails!!?
but if you replace that with accurate translation from the raws, without even looking at the raws, I know for sure it's a bubble that indicates JP Trump's surprise when he arrived at the scene:
What the fuck happened here!!?
What's going on!!?
What are you doing, Naruto!!?
The effect would still be the same. So what if 'hillary's emails' was inserted as a reference and as a suitable meme for this Trump-like character? The nuance, message, emotions were still conveyed. I'd say, sure, the translations are not accurate in the sense that they aren't literal, but all the necessary bits to understand the plot (haha) as well as the characterisation simply just fit. It fits this absurd series. Chillock's having fun and he's not entirely ruining the reading experience with his translations (a bunch of people enjoy this), it's only the butthurt sensitive people who's crying now.

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