Dec 9, 2018
Just talk to him and him that he scares you. Just ask him why is he staring at you. Aren't you 20 years old for goodness sake use your words!
Double-page supporter
Aug 30, 2020
Nobody's evil for the sake of being born evil. Newborns are actually the purest & most innocent, unless their brain is already wired differently from birth & that's still not absolute evil albeit can be considered inhuman. I've known about a case where a father confessed in Reddit about him & his wife incapable of loving their first son due to him being truly different & hurting people & themselves especially his younger sibling (who was born normal), so they had to try to kill him in self-defense before he killed them - & they managed to chase him out of their lives to this day. That son was really something else & he was born hurting inside psychologically, so he had to hurt outside to relieve his own pain, as explained by that bitter father. He & his wife tried their absolute best in raising that son from the moment he was born, but his pain surpassed their love & he acted on his pain to hurt them, so they finally had to give up their parental love when the son tried to kill the sibling & them.

She knows them only on the thinnest surface level so far, so her one-sided fear is understandable yet still undeniably shallow. I feel like there's a lot more involved in these men than just being notorious villains, as they're not pureblood demons after all. If they had to do things that thoroughly just to settle things, that just means this whole country is fu*ked inside out, the royal family can't suppress the hidden & exposed crimes & the man (& his son) does it in place of the royal family, & the FL doesn't know any better.

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