There`s something really wrong if little kids have to deny their own wishes and pretend to feel something they actually don`t (I mean during these occasions, not when they are just spoiled). Of course some children can act happy even if they don`t get a present they like but it`s usually more from the feeling of 'mom and dad are smiling so I don`t want to make them sad' whereas little Ryousuke based his reaction on his past experiences and had an additional '...and if I don`t act happy everybody will think I`m weird'.
We all grow up mirroring behaviour of people around us but sometimes we (un)conciously alter/bury part of us just so we don`t stand out and I find these things incredibly sad...😟😢😞
Thank you anonymous! I didn`t have any problems with reading and nothing really hindered the story so I believe you did a good job!😉
I hope somebody decides to pick this up, I have a good feeling about this (though I know I`ll need lots of paper tissues, just like luckycalico😄)