@nogenem Ongoing is just 16 chapters away, if other person translating still did it we'd be 10 chapters away, not much difference, not to discredit them or anything.
aren't machine scans essentially just getting random words from each bubble and guessing what the author tried to say and rewriting it.. should probably stipulate that it's machine scans at the start instead of the end.
@thegoatrider looking at the former guy's link it seems they wanted to get out for a while but wanted to finish up one of their other projects before they did. So they kept plugging away and once they finished that one they publicly announced they where done, dropped all in progress projects and left. Honestly I can't blame them if they didn't want to do it any more. And at least they gave a definite answer on if they where done or just taking a break so nothing was left in limbo.
@justanothermanganerd Translation software seems to have improved a lot, that's the only reason what I'm doing is even possible. I have to Google some phrases every once in a while too and use my intuition. So far most mistakes I've made is because of small oversights like assuming two bubbles aren't the same sentence, could happen to anyone. But your comment did make me double-check so now I'll try to be more thorough. (What I already posted has been redone with better font and I went over a few parts again to make sure they're accurate. Somethings will make sense now, sorry if this causes any confusion.) And I'll be dumping an entire chapter next time instead of in parts. As I said before, expect the chapter in a few days.