@tirani04 Uh, you think one and murata gonna read some random comment by some random guy on some random non official manga scanlation reading site? No one thinks so, heck even I don't think so. I complained about what I feel about the manga and criticize it based on what happened in the original web version. It's called freedom of speech. One and murata don't need to read my comment, and they sure as hell don't need anyone defending them from my comment. You're saying as if whatever posted here would affect their work or something, hell no. But that doesn't mean we can't criticize their work here, so I don't see why I should stop, seeing that I believe the manga is being stretched on.
Oh and yes Suiryu, sure it was added extra content, but definitely not as bad as this arc. Every arc before this has some things changed/added to them, but it feels right and natural. Meanwhile this arc, in my opinion, is obviously being dragged on way too long.