Small mistakes and typos in the translation:
Page 1:
"I dont know why we have all gathared gathered"
Page 6:
"There are things that are better left unsaid"
"Shis This is also for her"
Page 7:
"Something bad happends"
Page 8:
"Ah no disagreeable" given the context of what she is saying "denied" instead of disagreeable might be a better word for it ?
Page 10:
"you are actually a member if of lamentation"
Page 10:
"you said you were coming for recruitment that I thought"
should read
"I thought you said you were coming for recruitment"
Thanks for the translation. I hope the above fixes help. Overall its good but I think you might want to get someone to proof-read your chapters.
For those confused about the clan and party thing this is what I've gathered from the chapters we've got
Our main character is the leader of the strange grief which is the party. Strange Grief and Arc Brave founded the footsteps (also translated as first steps, genesis steps errr ... please be consistent with how you translate your names) clan together. However they are not the only parties that belong to the clan. All the parties that were recruiting in the earlier chapters were members of that clan. Our main character is also the leader of the clan. Foot Steps is said to be the strongest hunter clan and strange grief is the strongest party in that clan.