Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
- retsudo : yo sis , it is night time . where are you going ?
- sayaka : im going to eat dinner and drink beers with 4 males , then im going to be totally drunk and then sleep over at their house , then we are going to have an 0rgy .
- retsudo : TRIGGERED .

i guess the 3 girls are having the nurse syndrome / https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florence_Nightingale_effect . they are falling in love with an injured boy : "shota boy , dont worry , we 3 onee-chan will take very good care of your body ."

page 9 : this was the room of the yamashita oldest son , and they still havent cleaned out the embalmed brains and corpses ? disgusting .

and the computers and video files also belonged to the yamashita oldest son . "fist things" : in japanese , kengan = fist + something .

and the timeline is this chapter is messed up :
- they are eating dinner , then sayaka takes the picture in page 16 .
- then when everyone else is still eating , narushima and ryuki go to a room to watch p0rn videos together .
- then 10 - 20 minutes later , sayaka finally sends the picture to her brother .

page 16 : it looks like he is choking the necks of 2 girls , lol .

page 17 : i guess BLM = big le$bian mother / big large motherfukker / ......
Apr 4, 2019
So incredibly amazing to have literal Nazis in the comments section!

"I don't give a rat's ass about human rights! I want N-words to just die! The Js should get their punishment for duping us all! Hitler good! Put all the money into militarizing the Cops! All Cops Good, Civilians Bad! Akoya should do jumping jacks on Muteba's neck! It's okay he doesn't have a wife or a daughter like certain other people!"

Typical racists garbage getting off on dehumanising people different than them and rationalising it all on stereotypes. Poor people commit crimes! Guess what?

Rich people ALSO commit crimes! Does anybody know how many super rich corrupt businessman exists in the USA? I don't see anyone mentioning the fact that 99% of them are predominantly Caucasian? Evil corrupt people will always be present EVERYWHERE they can gain funds for selfish reasons but equating a ridiculous minuscule proportion as the typical norm for all people of any community is so low level IQ it's honestly baffling how a human mind can even exist in such a reduced cognitive level!

Seriously. People who think they know it all are easily deceived by narrow examples. Thinking everything they encounter is the ONLY Truth in the world. No critical thinking for themselves, no imagination, no sympathy, no heart, no true defined logical observations, just static historical facts shredding their brains with Specifically Filtered News ignoring everything that could even cause them cognitive dissonance.

Not that they would know what that term even means, heh. Nazis and Cognitive Dissonance are mutually exclusive. They wouldn't be Nazis otherwise. And yes, it doesn't matter who you are, if you are racist, you are certainly capable of joining a racist group and as we all know all racist groups are formed on ideals of Genocide and Homogenisation and insecurity and hypocrisy (look at my above example about rich criminals who aren't any better than the poor ones people stereotype everytime) and thus congruent to Nazis.

Nazis in that you are certainly willing to genocide others for whatever reasons you fancy. It's a stretch but not that much, really.

I can play the same "but they are the main problem you don't know the Truth!" mind game, Nazis. Go back to school and learn what your forefathers fought against and then come back and maybe y'all will stop holding Nazi rallies openly?

Typical racist, dehumanising, Nazis. What a fucking shame you are to your deceased war heroes. They must be turning in their graves right now, itching to come back and excise the infection from the America, Jesus willing! Pretty sad to see the America still hasn't criminalised becoming a Nazi considering Germany will not stand another fascist, violent, "saviour" scammers, racist, torturing, genociders from ever being born in any shape in their reborn nation.

*Clap* *Clap*

I really don't get why people bitch about another person protesting against being killed, raped, murdered and worse on a dime by the supposed protectors of the cities. Then again, nothing else goes well in their lives and since they can't really do anything about the real rich bosses playing around with real money, they find it easy to just blame everything in their life on random people from communities doing so much worse than them.

This is not just a case in America though. It's a global pandemic in society. Poor steps on poor and poorer and blames everything on them whilst the real important people mess around with money, being effectively rich enough to get away with many things. Of course I'm not saying every single rich guy is evil, but they do certainly have a much easier capacity to get away with their crime provided they make the correct connections, if you know what I mean!

Another thing about bringing up crime statistics. Just like an experiment results are not taken seriously if their is evidence that the experimenters giving inputs are biased, so it doesn't make much sense to spout crime statistics as the Holy Grail of Irrefutable Ultimate Universal Proof that some people are "in born" "criminals by nature" sort of stupid logic that comes from brains without critical thinking skills of a higher degree than stating Statistics define the Universe instead of the other way around heh!

Crime Statistics take into account at a base fundamental level that the Officer registering the crime is Absolutely Unbiased, Free of biased qualifiers like Racism, Sexism, Impulsive behaviour, Can make no mistakes, etcetera. Knowing that America has a really big open Nazi problem since decades after the fall of Hitler in WW2, the numerous occasions of American police having an annoyingly large number of really unsuitable people employed as policemen, the good cops staying quiet about their bad eggs, the number of times the Police departments have to shell out grievance money for bad cops doing stupid shit against citizens, the typical numerous well established cases of bad cops being untouchable via Legalised Immunity despite strong evidence enough to give the juries pause, etcetera etcetera.

And don't get me started on what type of "Wolf equals Police" and "Civilians equal Sheep" "Need to have a Cold Blooded Killers mindset to catch criminals" garbage nonsense they apparently use to educate American cops with! Intelligent, good cops will easily be able to retain their basic humanity and dissipate the ridiculous aspects but not others who are susceptible and even willingly accepting of such a dangerous mindset to see random civilians as ...sheep...

I wonder if American police are triggery because the average citizen is legally privileged to own guns provided they have the money and license (or not). I wonder what their stance on Gun Control is? On the one hand, restricting guns will obviously make them safer in general but plenty of citizens will be angry at them. On the other hand, having the average citizen holding an honest to goodness shotgun, assault rifle, six-shooter or a goddarn grenade is certainly cause for concern.

Ban Guns and save citizen and cop lives?
Or let cops be trigger itchy and citizens dead by the dozens? Why am I writing such a long post? I'm bored, that's why.

I guess it's a good thing we have Hell to separate the real evil people around us online offline whether they hide their true feelings or not. One definitely good thing to say about the major religions in the world!

Imagine the existential horror of going to hell because Jesus doesn't approve of Nazis LMAO! 😂😂😂
Dex-chan lover
Dec 6, 2019
Imagine being here just to check if someone knows whether a new chapter is out and being shoved a torrent of opinions about american politics in the face. GREAT
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
BLM = Black Lives Matter .

but in kengan ashura , before the fight of cosmo and justice police , adam dudley says : ACAB = All Cops Are Bastards .

so what about black cops ? their lives matter , or they are bastards ? lol , the dilemma .
Aug 8, 2018
Bruh, I just wanted to talk about the chapter why are most of the comments about racial politics?
Dex-chan lover
Aug 11, 2018
i like to believe that somehow they read kengan ashura
Mar 7, 2019
if three little letters make some of y'all melt down this bad, maybe you should go take a breather

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