don't have to imagine, I played mmos in high end casual guilds, more or less guilds that COULD take a top spot game wide if they played 'seriously' but more or less laid back, these guilds are populated with old people, generally older women, so much free time on their hands that they got good at their classes, but because its an mmo with a macro system they don't need to hammer buttons at light speed to keep up, they just need to know the class. some times in these guilds a member just kind of stops coming on, and every time we hope it was shit internet connection, and thankfully it usually was, many of these old people move out to the sticks for retirement... which again, they are playing an mmo at the top level while having sub dial up internet latency...
had one online friend die in a car accident, his relative he played with was settling his mmo account and informing people what happened.
and have an irl friend who never made great life decisions, till about 9 years ago, I hoped that he was alive when he went on near year long eff off sessions, and then he knocked someone up, he is FAR more stable now...
That said, there are also several screenshots of things like this, granted the one I know the most was one where the guys country was going into civil war, and he wasn't online for years.
Don't know about heart disease specifically, but there are some where it doesn't matter what you do, you will die the next time it flares up, there is not helping it, there is no getting better, its just a time bomb and it will happen at some point regardless of what you do.
for the most part, when japan does 'vr' they dont to current vr, they do future control everything with your mind vr so its 100% possible to live a more fulfilling life in vr then the real world.
I can only hope that when I get told shits bad, we have that style of vr, thankfully, it gets closer and closer every day.