Everyone's saying that this is trash. Imma go read it to see how bad it is.
Edit: I've read it.
1. Art isn't too bad actually.
2. This manga is very poorly drawn.
-I know that I'm supposed to be reading left to right but sometimes I just wanna read the opposite cause the artist doesn't know how to drive their viewer's focus. Continuing texts are often higher than the preceding which makes me want to focus there instead.
-Artist also doesn't know how to use panels properly. Like I said, unable to drive the viewer's focus.
-And those pop up panels where a character is supposed to stand out, isn't standing out at all because the whole art is too consistent - at the consistency of generic beyond imagination.
3. Are the translators bad at english or is the dialogue just that bad? Grammar is okay but it's just so bland. Use a thesaurus!
4. Story is also poorly written.
-Characters are flat
-Author tease sex with no intention of showing it
-Conflict at chap 5 which does not move the audience at all.
Yeah, it's as bad as they say it is.