A Capable Maid - Ch. 44

Dex-chan lover
Sep 4, 2018
@Ren_kekw Muhammed and his followers were abused and kicked out of Mecca because provoked the pagans and was denouncing their gods and ordering them to convert to Islam. Something to note, they were never enslaved or killed worldwide because they were localized in a single location in Arabia at that time of the persecution. He and his followers were refugees and moved to Medina, a Jewish city. From the money he gained from his peaceful religion stealing from and killing Meccan caravans he amassed wealth. The Quran legitimizes this practice through verse 2:191 "persecution is worse than slaughter." The more wealth he accumulated the more people joined. Muhammed enslaved or killed all the Jews in Medina and gained more followers and once he accumulated an army he returned to Mecca and forced them to convert to Islam or die, rinse and repeat for the rest of Arabia until his death. And they did in fact kill over religious differences, verse 9:5 aka the sword verse, allows and encourages the killing of pagans and infidels i.e. anyone that isn't a Muslim.
Dex-chan lover
May 27, 2019
I'm glad the prince is not stupid enough and not the type to be fooled by this bitch pretending to be wise and geniuse.
Bruuuhh marie already got his heart unconsciously.
He is really living up with his name and success,and not jus just all muscles and handsome face.thumbs up prince!

Lol that man came from other nation is talking like the empire is indebted to them big time, like bruuhhhh you're the one who needs help,why talk so highly.
If they will think about it,they are still on disadvantage on war because they are now lack on food,what's more to be serve for soldiers going to war?none. It's like a double suicide.
The only reason I'm still reading this story is because of Marie ❤.

Thank you sooo much for the translations❤
Nov 5, 2020
The islamophobia shown by some of the people within this comment section is so disgusting and utterly infuriating 😑
Nov 7, 2020
@Jergens can you site your sources? As someone who's studied Islam directly from the Qur'an and Sunnah, I find it preposterous that you would make such a claim. In the Qur'an and hadith, the prophet stated that "there is no compulsion in religion" meaning that you cannot force someone to convert. As well as that, the Prophet was not a wealthy man by any means. In fact, to rebuke the rumours that he's just doing this to get rich, it is forbidden to give charity to the family of the Prophet. And the way I've read it, after he conquered Madina and other places alike, the Jews and Christians were able to retain their religion and their places of worship were untouched. I'm really curious as to where you got your information on Islam from.
Active member
Aug 17, 2019
Tho I love the art, the author's ignorance about topics like religion and war is showing splendidly in this arc... I'm not a knowledgeable person by all means, but at least I would research, read reference books or talk to someone who knows about the topics I'm writing about 🤔
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 9, 2018
y'all need to chill....this is why religion talk should be banned in multi multi something community lol
anyway this dude basically threatening the crown prince with "Give us food or we will go to war" i would've beheaded him and send the head back if a choice like this appeared while playing rts .-.
Aggregator gang
Oct 3, 2018
I doubt it. But man, I wish the Prince would tell him to fuck off and prepare his armies. Especially if he said something like "We'd of sent aid, if not for the threat of war. We wouldn't want to put any danger to the aids sent to your country now would we?"
Sep 16, 2018
Its funny by how many people gets mad at the author but does the same when it comes to a Christian religion,


Its you dont like it dont read, its simple :D
Mar 10, 2018
if the other country is an enemy for so long, shouldn´t they know about their culture? isn´t knowing such informations, important?
Jul 16, 2020
Lmao they can’t make good meat-free dishes? Do they lack salad dressing? Pasta?
Mar 22, 2019
Bringing religion... race are such a sensitive topic, im quite dissapointed, because not only they didn't research it fully, most of them are portrayed in a bad way. It also applied to some series like Solo Leveling (Japanese people are bad) and Stepmother Marchen (where their Vatikan are all bad guys). Are most korean authors like this?

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