Translation note is good, but if you guys still want a litteral translation from French to English:
Page 3:
-Les toilettes! => Toilets/Restrooms!
-Je vois. J'ai compris ta situation. => I see. I understand your situation. (or "I got the gist of it" works too)
-Mais je pense qu'il est dangereux d'entrer dans les toilles (<= typo here, should be "toilettes") pour hommes. => But I think it is dangerous to enter the men's toilets/restrooms.
-Content de voir que tu vas bien. => Glad to see you're okay/all right.
Page 4:
-Je ne voulais pas venir an Japon, (typo here, should be "au Japon") => I didn't want to come to Japan,
-mais j'aime bien être avec toi. => but I like being with you.
Page 5:
-Merci beaucoup. => Thank you very much.