Remember how the cops instantly showed up out of no where after he tranquilized the first psycho woman. I doubt he would be able to do anything to Kusora in the middle of a hotel filled with her men. As soon as he whipped out johnny he would die. Yes she worked as a prostitute before, but how many of her "clients" do you think actually survived considering she's still a virgin at this point.
Nah, his best option to "test" the save and load feature would be with Hikami. Hikami deep in an empty room with no windows and filtered ventilation, so snipers would be able to get him immediately and poison couldn't be set through the vents. Not sure able padding around the entry way door to avoid an odorless gassing from under the door frame. Keep your back to the wall and keep your eyes towards the door. Also make sure that the room is able to withstand a minor explosion and keep the load feature at the read. That would be the level of caution he would need to take. Not a very comfortable way to have sex and probably not worth the effort since the would probably drop a hydrogen bomb on the shelter killing him instantly.
Stick with Karaoke until you clear the game and keep Hikami's affection high enough that she joins you in the real world while keeping Yurea's neutral enough that she stays around 50 and doesn't bleed into reality.