A False Confession - Ch. 20

Apr 13, 2019
🤣🤣Wooooow, I'm seeing Kant on Melissa, and now I'm seeing him too on you, Renee?

You both have to be bff I tell you now! 🤣
Aug 10, 2020
I don't know... every time i see a FL falling for ANY future kingI always think of concubines... endless concubines in-waiting.... I mean most people of that stature can't possibly settle for one person, right? I just can't picture it being a monogamous happily ever after. I'm sorry I don't ship this. I feel like he's hiding something. I really do feel like she's just a tool for him because of said divine powers. not buying this BS lol
Dec 9, 2020
I love Elvin, and I am clearly getting way too invested in this story but I'm going to say this anyway:

It's so annoying how last chapter everyone was like "he's two-faced, he's manipulative, he's a bastard because he doesn't care about the feelings of some random girl he met ten days ago" but now the author has literally proven that he did nothing wrong people are only saying "wow Renée is so nice for not being angry with him" and "I prefer him when he's not lying" instead of just saying "we were wrong about him".

😭 I care too much

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