Luigi's first page is the closest to right (Minus the retarded "Don't y'all be bothering"). She really was scolding them for causing him trouble first thing in the morning. It's just that she used very standard, neutral Japanese to say it, while this guy decided she was actually a country hick.
Devyyy got the part about the sister deciding to be the guard closest to right. The line was something akin to a "It looks like it falls on to me, his sister, to protect Sou" She was relatively grandiose with her language.
The next line goes to Luigi(ish), since he does wonder why he's wearing the uniform, and he even corrects himself halfway through when saying what school it's from. But Luigi doesn't understand plurals and context in Japanese, so he only translated her as having one club.
Page 3?
@Devvyy , The second line's a bit off, but the line was the infamous adjective bomb, which needs re-writing to make sense in English anyway.
Page 4 again goes to Devvy , with
@luigiymario2 confusing やっば~ with やっぱ~ , (The "wow" that got turned into "I knew it"), likely due to how tiny the diacritic was.
Though Luigi gets credit for doing the last line in that page better. The term used was 非常識 which is something like "absurd" rather than "outrageous", but then while Devvyy used a better word, he phrased it worse.
Page 5, Sou telling her to go to college was a mixed bag. He was reassuring her that he'd be fine, then told her to go to college like normal instead of coming along.
I'll give Luigi's "rest assured" the win for the next line, since she spoke more formally, which needs more formal language in English to reflect it. I would have gone with "Worry not!", but that's just me.
The line about the credits goes straight to Luigi. Not only does it read better, it also clearly reflects how she said it in Japanese. Same for the next line. The exact wording is "出撃コスト重ッ", but now we're just getting into the weeds of what the exact perfect analogue is in English. Could it be done better? Maybe. But then I'd need to think about it more.
Page 6 goes to Luigi. No problems a quick scan alerted me to.
Why though?