A Private Story on Third Street - Vol. 2 Ch. 14

Dex-chan lover
Mar 24, 2019
Mehmed II wasn't the best at warfare is a bit harsh, isn't it? He's not the greatest genius but he was pretty up there.

"Absolutism"? What is that mean here? The author said he was rather tolerant to European's culture, so I don't think it's being racist, but what then?

@agtra Which one was that? It's been a while since I last read about Al-Fatih so I don't remember too much details.
Sep 26, 2018
i'm more curious about how Spartan-chan earns her money.. Spartan didn't work, and thus had to depend on helot for money.. maybe a M sugar daddy?
Dex-chan lover
May 3, 2019
Mehmed II strength isn't tactics, it's logistics able to muster and sustain the siege. On the siege itself they have to wait for cannons to break Roman walls, other attempts to scale or bypass the walls were defeated. They had up to 10 to 1 manpower advantage. Despite that they still lost roughly equal or more numbers to the defenders.

Anatolia and Thracia was and still rough terrain to move around, despite seljuks superior mobility it wasn't easy moving food and arms. Although by the time of siege Byzantines have lost capacity to do guerilla warfare (4th Crusade basically destroyed Byzantines hold on Anatolian and Thracian despots making it easy to seljuks overwhelming them one by one, also good old fashioned religious dispute delayed and reduced Catholics assistance)
Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2018
Wait what was were the italian and aztec planning? Are they going dolphin hunting?
Apr 26, 2020
Atleast mehmed II 's humanity should be atleast 2 or 3 tbh, he is actually a benevolent ruler in his era. He forbids his army to loot and pillage constantinople but I do think that he has another reasons for it. But there is another fact that orthodox christians were able to live peacefully side by side with muslims. I don't really know much about it but I'm offended a little bit on mehmed II 's humanity

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