bruh wtf was this chapter
incredibly disgusting incredibly brutal
didn't feel like it would ever take this turn
and ofc the cute blondie gets redemption, she has a tragic backstory, i've been waiting for SImon and co to stop being psychotic
been waiting for those around them to stop enabling them,
heck part of this downward spiral exists b/c of the guild leader
the higher ups at the guild pretty much said do you really believe [insert narrative] about the dark elves?
see for these kinds of stories you'd expect a expo dump about how sorrily mistaken they were
and how their ignorance breeds gross racism
they are jus left an open lane and led down this path
and as vile as the line eyes has been, she's got it the worst out of all of them
sure the men deal with being eaten alive brutally (ofc from head first is insta death) but she gon get bleeped on repeat
i cant help but wonder why, this is just murder porn with censorship boxes or w/o doesn't matter
people have been primed to get off on this shit, wild