While I loved the chapter... the only thing that I have to ask is how is even possible for the alchemist to survive after Desir counter attack? wasn't he just right beside the homunculus?
did the translation get weird all of a sudden ? what does he mean by "as expected he can't change the outcome" it isn't as if that chimera is an all powerfull being that can change reality or probability at will
Personally i just find Homunculus to be a really sad thing. Born of countless lives and much suffering. Basically a baby monster just obeying what programed to be it's master with no will of its own.
That fucking Alchemist better get it.
Although since Shadow Worlds are just a pocket reality and what they do there doesnt change the past meaning that Alchemist got away with what he did in the past and even became a very famous praised person in history. Id love to see Desir adding to history showing him for the monster that he is.
@Shea8 agreed, the ending was really anti climatic. After boasting an immortal body it was just the equivalent or extra lives. This arc so far is really boring.
the imagery and plot felt like it was a bit slipshod this chapter. The smart resourceful MC being so out of competent means to counteract this enemy when he's one of the long time survivors of even crazier dungeons in the future felt like a nerf. In fact the fusion spell seemed no more visually impactful than his normal attacks. Plus Romantica being a 'tsundere' even in the middle of him just saving her just made her seem a whole lot less charming.