A Reunion With A Girl I Dated Briefly After 10 Years. - Oneshot

Nov 2, 2019
it feel like the person dodge a bullet here.... getting married with child factory its not funny thing in this modern age ...

plus with inflation hit really hard in japan ....
It's possible having 5 kids could still be within their means though? they could be wealthy and capable within the context of this story, lmao. and what's this about dodging bullets, it's not like people automatically get 5 kids - saying "child factory" like there's no room for nuance and as if planning was an impossibility. It isn't the prerogative of the former guy to take responsibility as well, they're living their own lives and apparently moved on. Also, having 5 kids might not all be downsides - there's an implication that she gets tired managing her kids, but who says she doesn't appreciate the parenthood lifestyle regardless. I know some families have a vested interest and actively plan on raising lots of children successfully, rather than it only being incidentally the case. It's not unprecedented and it's not doomed for failure. How likely it is and irl circumstances aside, investing your energy into taking the most bad faith or pessimistic interpretation and fabricating a negative narrative to cope, for innocuous things like this, isn't a healthy mindset imo.
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Dex-chan lover
Oct 9, 2019
Why lol? Not everyone here is a single or pathetic.
Your point might be valid if this was the comments section for One Piece or some other shonen stuff, but the only people that read these niche oneshots are generally the lonelier manga readers
Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2023
Your point might be valid if this was the comments section for One Piece or some other shonen stuff, but the only people that read these niche oneshots are generally the lonelier manga readers
I guess. I've been reading this stuff since I was a teenager so it never really registered to me everyone who reads these are single
Double-page supporter
Sep 22, 2020
Maybe im wrong but wheres the netorare/cuckholding?
Man dated a girl for a short amount of time in middle school and then never interacted with her for 10 years????
Suddenly its "netorare" like bruh go outside, form real relationships with people once you leave school and live your life until you understand the real issue is that she has fucking 5 kids and that's alot of mouths to feed and fuckin shit to buy in this economy and honestly i would be thankful if i was the mc and didn't have to pay for all of that.
Lmao fr
Double-page supporter
Apr 13, 2023
Like, am I supposed to feel anything? Am I supposed to feel cucked? Happy for the girl? Cuz I don't feel nun' These 1/2 page oneshots are so annoying, might as well just post a drawing.
Active member
Oct 23, 2023
It feels like ntr because the author wants it to feel like ntr. We know in universe it's been 10 years, but the only thing we have is the time it takes to turn the page digitally to process that time.

A bit gross of the author imo, he knows this is a perfectly normal thing irl
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018

Sometimes the comment section is more entertaining than the manga.
May 13, 2024
Cheating and adultery fiction have always been popular with women, that's why most erotica featuring it is aimed at them. I remember reading a study long ago that said something along the lines of "women really like stories in which they're the prize and others are competing for their affection" and I look at stuff like Twilight and like 90% of Shoujo romance fiction and I don't really have a way to argue against it.
Huh? What? Since boys around me always talking about NTR this NTR that, I thought boys were the one who enjoyed it the most. This new information make me kinda shocked.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020
Huh? What? Since boys around me always talking about NTR this NTR that, I thought boys were the one who enjoyed it the most. This new information make me kinda shocked.
Guys enjoy it too, but they're legitimately the minority.

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