As somebody who works professionally in a kitchen, I'd make better food anyways, and I can enjoy it in the peace and quiet of a setting I choose.MC was already my partner in "not interested in relationships" but I'm glad to see we also agree that weddings aren't fun. Big crowds, loud shitty music, have to make conversation with strangers (Or my relatives!)... yeah no thanks. Keep your dry roast beef, I'm staying home.
I think I might prefer having them bundled, but only because the parts individually are so short. Otherwise I don't particularly mind either way.Question for the readers, do you want me to put the chapters out as soon as I am done translating, or do you want me to finish like three chapters and then release them at once .
Even if you can't bundle them together into single chapters, just releasing them when they're all ready would be better for the sake of story flow, imo.Question for the readers, do you want me to put the chapters out as soon as I am done translating, or do you want me to finish like three chapters and then release them at once .
Personally I would prefer releases as full chapters, or at least the parts released together, rather than piecemeal.Question for the readers, do you want me to put the chapters out as soon as I am done translating, or do you want me to finish like three chapters and then release them at once .
Most people aren’t in MC’s position on a daily basis thoughBut yeah, I'm with MC here. Even if I do want to get married, there's like no hope for me in my stage of life and current circumstances. I only have one friend who I'd bite the bullet to attend his wedding, but everyone else, even family, it's just not worth going the trouble.
Full chapter release is preferred by most. Whether you do one whole chapter at a time or multiple chapters doesn't seem to matter so much as long as it's a full chapter rather then splitting a chapter into parts. Most readers prefer this based on comment observation on a variety of manga and platforms.Question for the readers, do you want me to put the chapters out as soon as I am done translating, or do you want me to finish like three chapters and then release them at once .
I would do that but it's not allowedFull chapter release is preferred by most. Whether you do one whole chapter at a time or multiple chapters doesn't seem to matter so much as long as it's a full chapter rather then splitting a chapter into parts. Most readers prefer this based on comment observation on a variety of manga and platforms.
Doing it in parts messes with the flow of the story and they are too short to actually get into and feel any connection with. Takes the magic out of it so to speak.
Could I ask why it isn't allowed? Many readers including myself don't understand why people split chapters up into parts so if you could explain why we would be grateful to gain some understanding.I would do that but it's not allowed
Mangadex only allows how it was originally uploaded(raws) so you can't put split chapters together and yeah in the future i am gonna wait till i have a whole chapter translated and then upload the split parts at once.Could I ask why it isn't allowed? Many readers including myself don't understand why people split chapters up into parts so if you could explain why we would be grateful to gain some understanding.
If you can't do full chapters as a whole then at least releasing all the parts for a chapter in one go or building up a few chapters to then release them would be preferable.
Ah I didn't know that, that's quite a shame but understandable. Thank you.Mangadex only allows how it was originally uploaded(raws) so you can't put split chapters together and yeah in the future i am gonna wait till i have a whole chapter translated and then upload the split parts at once.