A Story About Getting a Haircut After Hearing Your Crush Prefers Short Hair - Ch. 5 - Ninomiya-san says it all.

Group Leader
Jun 2, 2019
Having a tsundere love you is the best.... at least when you know they are a tsundere...

Oh no ... not the potential lesbian angry friend trope ... sigh. She's going to cock-block the crush the entire manga huh. All while trying to take advantage of the fact that they are both girls to inappropriately sexually assault her huh. Now if she is actually a wing girl and moves the story forward then okay. Also, I hate dislike tsunderes so ... she's not winning any points.
I was going to say don't worry.... but then you admitted your dislike of tsundere and I realized you can't be trusted.....

Tsundere are the absolute best... only flaw is that the language they speak is 90% similar, so they cause misunderstandings...

But the moment you realize they aren't speaking Japanese/English but the tsundere variant, you realize their mouth is the sweetest treat....

Tsunderes are just girls speaking a different language that you need to translate....

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