A Tender Heart: The Story of How I Became a Duke's Maid

Feb 4, 2018
Lmao at ppl who are shocked by a 4 y age-gap and talking about pedophilia when both characters are minors in the beginning of the story.

You serious ?
Just go out of your room, and you will see lot of couple with 10y age gap these days.

The only reason Alejandeo was small in the beginning was to show the effect of the curse+ extreme malnutrition (same for Leslie or Estelle ), it wasn't like that origally, but it's not important.

This story has some problems, sure.
But the age gap or their relationship is NOT one of them.
Some real problems are some bad arcs (like the one just before the current one), Ibee who believe(d) in the power of the plot too much (like a lot of others otome story) hence stupid decision like running away, or forced drama (Hello Diego) only to make the story progress.
May 3, 2019
Hm weird how you guys seem to ship the hell out of 1,000+ year old Lucas x Athy, Konrad x Leslie, All bachelors x Lippe, but can’t handle a mutually consensual 4 year age gap. Wtf. Talk about double standard. When the guys are older, y’all ain’t complaining.

Edit: if you’re scared of Ibee and Alejandro’s relationship then don’t read https://mangadex.org/title/38433/four-years-apart because it’s a four year age gap *gasp* SCANDALOUS 22 YEAR OLD PEDO COUGAR GOING AFTER 18 YEAR OLD MALE PEW PEW POLICE ON THEIR WAY
Jul 16, 2020
its really hard to enjoy this when you remember that they low key had sort of a mother son relationship at first 😥
I'm gonna keep reading it but it just feels weird with the power imbalance(alejandro cant take no for an answer) and past relationship...


Mar 12, 2019
@yukarinin Don't be dense. The problem people have isn't the age gap, and you know that. What people are concerned about is the fact that 1. Even if it's only a four year gap, it was really much greater when you look at how under developed Alejandro was at the beginning, 2. She very much so took the place as his mother figure and raised him and couldn't see him as anything other than a child.
For her relationship with him to turn from parental to that of lovers is obviously concerning.
Apr 21, 2020
So I did some research and it turns ou that in the novel Alejandro was NEVER a little kid nor was him so childish like in the manhwa. This is the manhwa's doing and that's why we are feeling all so against their relationship. In the novel he was a teenager just like her and he really looked like he was 13-14 years old.
The changes are because there's a tendency that all the Korean novels that make success are turned into manhwas with cute drawn style. And that's why they made Alejandro looked like a kid.
Jun 3, 2019
@cnd well you do have to consider that our FL came from a different world and had loved our ML's character so much that she was thrown into a different world (that's the plot btw)

Yeah sure some of us readers see them as having a mother/child since the story did start off as the ML being a child but you kind of need to view it on their side, the FL never really went or wanted to fill the mother role since all she wanted was to make the ML happy no matter what. Same goes for the ML, he never once showed that he wanted a mother/father figure since he got betrayed then and there cuz of the curse, he wanted warmth and the FL clearly gave that to him hence an understandable love progression.

TLDR; both of them never saw each other as mother and child from the start.
Apr 21, 2020
@Unloyal I kinda feel strange that people can't see that.
I mean, it was clear from the start that they'd become a couple in the future when both were adults. I felt strange in the first chapters 'cause I saw that coming. But when the time skips became a regular thing, it put me at easy since he kept growing so much and became an adult. Plus they lived fucking 3 years apart! Without even talking to each other, which means he had all the opportunities to meet and get to know other people as the head of the dukedom, and despite that all, he STILL wanted to meet her and kept faithfull to his plan to turn her into a noble woman so he could marry her without any problems. FL even thought she had been forgotten already, but he came back to her anyway. So I can't really see the problem here and why people are getting so flustered over the route the story is taking. I mean, it was OBVIOUS that would happen from chapter ONE. Couldn't they see that coming? Why did they start reading this anyway?
Apr 21, 2020
@Yumesel Thank you too for your words! It's good to see someone who think's the same and is actually paying attention to this story and enjoying it unlike this sea of people who are hating its progress. ^^'
Feb 15, 2020
she sure is a weird one for being a girl from our age seeing people fighting with real weapons and murder on the road... enjoying it is a bit strange
Nov 14, 2019
I was reading the comments and I was like 🤣😂😅

I can't understand people's double standards. Age gap here and there. 🙄
And always and always and always just looking at one side of the story.
So many fixed-minded people enjoying a freebie and can't even say a simple 'thank you' to the effort of many.

Oh well, lots of ungrateful and hypocrite people.
So annoying. If you don't like it, don't read it. Just be happy with your life and let us be happy with ours.
Don't spread negativity just because you are not contented will life.
Sheesh! 😤

Thanks Not A Scans Group for still updating despite the people who are unhappy with their lives~ 😆
Apr 21, 2020
Hahahaha Ibee is sure having fun on her own! XD I'd be terrified layin down on the carriage if I was in her place. ^^' But then again, it's not every day you get the chance to be treated like a princess and have handsome knights fighting bravely to protect you! kkkkkk
May 3, 2020
I wanted more to happen between her and Diego while she was awayy. I don't ship her with Alejandro bc it's just so weird that she literally took care of him when he was a child. His affection for her should be more like family, bc what he felt was the lack of familial love. I don't think the age difference would be an issue, but here she literally helped raise him.

Also I find it strange that she agreed to come back so easily. Especially when he didn't explain his plan first. The reason she left was also for him. So that just didn't make sense to me.
Dec 28, 2019
"Please don't romanticize anything that happened in this chapter. Being drunk is not an excuse and consent was clearly not given." Nah, fuck you. I'm going to find it extra sexy now because you told me not too. God, who do you think is reading stuff like this? 5 year olds?
Jul 9, 2020
Thank you translators! And thank you for trying to do your part in adding a note about consent. I really appreciated that.

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