A Villainess No More

May 2, 2019
@Rain1255 chinese raws usually have 2 chs posted at a time. I guess its a kind of marketing strategy to have a maximum number of panels per chapter even though episode is not yet done cuz I see it in many chinese manhuas and also in japanese web comic versions too
Apr 3, 2020
@MilkWeeb I think thats the point. A lot of times the title of some call the main characters evil or villianess when they're far from it. Sometimes it's just how the public portrays them.
Jul 21, 2020
Unfortunately, it lacks a lot of conflict. Things that I thought were gonna go wrong went rather smoothly. It made me think, oh ok that’s it then huh. Furthermore, feels like the rewards are not weighted correctly. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with very light plot. Not everything has to go wrong for it to be written well. In fact, not everyone is beautiful and have a melodramatic character.
Active member
Feb 1, 2020
I said it before and I’ll say it again. The problem with spending the first six/seven chapters setting up the fact that “EVERYONE” hates Ana (except maybe 3 people) leaves a very souring bitter taste in the reader’s mouth. And the only way to rinse that flavor out is to overpower it with the sweet, savory sensation of their downfall and collapse.

Even now, nearly 30 chapters in, and all I can think about is how much I want her original family and kingdom to crumble into ruin. We already got a small snippet of how much poorer of a job her sister is performing without Ana there, her sister may have the heart to hold a charity event, but she doesn’t have the brain to work through the logistical nightmare that is fundraising and ration planning. Ana had both heart AND brain! PLUS an air of nobility to it. BUT IT ISN’T ENOUGH FOR ME. NOT. NEARLY. ENOUGH. Sure, one ruined charity event may shake the sister’s image a little but I want her to stumble hard. Bomb three in a row. Burn all that money. Cause her family to go into ruin. Let everyone see her for who she really is, a spoiled, pampered, selfish little twat who’s only good at surface level words. If she doesn’t get what she wants, SHE THREATENS TO KILL HERSELF! She doesn’t like nobles? HOW CAN SHE SAY THAT WHEN SHE IS A NOBLE!? She has tasted what being a commoner is like. She grew up with a rose engraved golden spoon and she thinks it’s for fucking free?? She’ll probably run away from home the moment things get dicey with her ‘true love’ while leaving her parents with no heir to the title!

Anyhow, what started as distaste for everyone turned into a full on rant about the sister. Typical of me. But yeah, I would say that’s my main issue with this manhua. There isn’t enough... revenge? So to speak? Like I’m happy for Ana and all but what I really want with my smoky charcoal blackened heart is just to see how much shit has gone down since Ana’s departure.
Oct 21, 2019
@RaverShin my exact thoughts. I wanna see everyone burn. Especially her good for nothing dumbass, privileged sister And her parents.
Jun 9, 2019
its boring i wanna know how is her sister and their family doing . i wanna see someone to be ruined or maybe some conflicts . what's with the lead ? the characters seems to be soooo amazed and whipped to the fl . she looks boring i dont find her great anymore. what evil lady ? yall completely forgot that she was called evil lady . what change? she was on another kingdom . she didnt change , she moved .
Jul 16, 2020
I HAVE A PETTY COMPLAINT: i already have a problem telling "the villainess lives twice" from "the villainess reverses the hourglass" amd "my next life as a villainess" and "the villainess will strike down destruction flags today as well" and the author has the nerve to think i can keep track of TWO ATHANASIAS. AS IF. that's like being a teacher and having two brunhildas in your class what the hell are the odds of that???
Jul 29, 2019
If this manhua was an Isekai, the title would be something like "I transmigrated into a Tedious Boomer Lecture."

I can't even be outraged by the gross class politics because the leads promoting them are so bland and charmless, it's impossible to be moved by anything they do. I'll probably forget all 20-whatever chapters I read the instant I click away. 😴
Mar 1, 2018
Excuse me your highness but if you know this pitiful girl is one of the reasons your kingdom still hold itself can't you force another girl that's yknow less useful

Great premises, art isn't great but not bad.

but man this pure politics and wits battle, noble-manga ain't nice to read weekly
Apr 25, 2020
The thing with stories is they need conflict. The main character has to struggle, at least a little bit (but preferably a lot), brought to question their beliefs, work on their flaws and grow as a person. Otherwise it’s just boring and there’s no reason to care or root for them.

Just like this main character. She’s so smart, she can solve any problem! And she’s beautiful and rich! But she isn’t cruel or classist, she holds events with nobles to raise money for the poor! And she does it properly, unlike her stupid sister who is a priveleged hypocrite who doesn’t know anything! (I hate the sister too, but someone else did a really good job of explaining why she sucks.) Oh, she’s in danger? Don’t worry, she’s also a powerful magician! And she’s charming and witty, so she quickly won over all the people in her new home who were stupid enough to believe those nasty rumours!

Where’s the conflict? Where’s the drama? She solves all her problems instantly. At first I thought the premise was interesting: a noblewoman who is thought to be cruel but actually has a heart of gold. But then everyone thinks she’s evil because she attends social events with nobles instead of leading badly planned charity events like her sister. All the rumours come from the younger nobles, so why would the established aristocrats of Winterne believe them over the older generation that they’re more likely to keep contact with who all seem to like the main character? Now it’s just her happily married life where everything goes her way and any problem is solved easily. It’s like the author skipped the actual plot and moved straight to the ending.
Mar 23, 2020
I actually wonder if this series would be more interesting if it focused less on Athanasia and more on her sister, who will probably cause problems like a wildfire lol. Also, this lack of conflict might have been more interesting in a different format, but........so far the point only seems to be that the MC is perfect? and somehow completely misunderstood bc there isn't a single person in her entire country who doesn't follow herd mentality I guess.
Aug 7, 2020
Small spoiler for everyone complaining about no conflict. There will be conflict introduced in the next few chapters, and Athy gets to show off more of her destructive magic powers!
Mar 10, 2019
I agree with everyone, this comic is incredibly bland and it never explains why everyone thinks she was an evil lady???

You can read ahead quite a few chapters as its translated on other sites (but the translation quality is much worse than this team) and the story doesn't get much better.
It never really goes back to her family back home, instead creating a new conflict with the northern people and some ice cult or something.

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