Adachi to Shimamura - Vol. 6 Ch. 39.2 - Complications of Love 1 Part 2

Double-page supporter
Dec 1, 2023
God I am so happy I picked this series up again. I can relate to adachis thoughts sooooo fucking much, I love it.
Autism unite!
Dex-chan lover
Jun 19, 2020
They kiss in chapter 2 or 3 of SS, which comes after volume 11. And their relationship starts at the end of volume 6, in the arc after this one.
It takes them 5 volumes to go from being in a relationship to kissing? Damn, they are so useless
Aug 2, 2024
Oooh, if I remember spoilers right They kiss in volume 7 right? Forget if they finally start their relationship there or if that's later
They gloss over their first kiss but I think in volume 7 they play the kiss anywhere beside the lips games.
Active member
Mar 8, 2020
It takes them 5 volumes to go from being in a relationship to kissing? Damn, they are so useless
Not really, SS is just a combination of stories from various times in their lives. But it happened before they turned 18. Heck, Shima, during their final highschool summer, says Adachi "always gets so horny", this being related to something that happened earlier between them .
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2023
Being different doesn't make it good. A spoon with a hole in it is different, but useless.
This series is like watching a clown trying to get a reaction out of a brick wall, it just makes it seem sad.
Then why have you been reading it to this point? It have been clear since the early chapters that it was a story involving someone that doesnt understand feelings or sexual desire at all
Apr 21, 2020
I feel like most of the people who read this are pretty brain dead. Shimamura is such an interesting character that is trying overcome her apathy and Adachi is trying to becomes involved with someone despite her awkward advance. They have such a cute dynamic, particularly Shimamura actually trying to understand Adachi’s desperate attempts at creating a close bond between them. Are people skimming through pages or are they just illiterate?
Group Leader
Jan 8, 2023
Thank you for your work!

Finally some progress. I know the chapters about Gon is somewhat necessary for Shimamura's growth arc but with how slow releases have been, it was honestly excruciating to not see her interaction with Adachi. That being said, taking things slowly is one of this manga's strongest points.
Active member
Mar 8, 2020
I feel like most of the people who read this are pretty brain dead. Shimamura is such an interesting character that is trying overcome her apathy and Adachi is trying to becomes involved with someone despite her awkward advance. They have such a cute dynamic, particularly Shimamura actually trying to understand Adachi’s desperate attempts at creating a close bond between them. Are people skimming through pages or are they just illiterate?
How dare you write a story with depth that requires actually reading to understand it!
Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2020
Citrus is the other end of the spectrum, it's like the Shoujo version of a Yuri manga. Citrus wasn't very good because of that, but at least it wasn't boring-disguised-as-cute like this one is.
Citrus is a LOTS of things but not a "shojo version of yuri" it's full shonen and assumed. It take everythings it can from the shonen genre, and nothing from the shojo.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2020
I feel like most of the people who read this are pretty brain dead.
Most people here are brain dead. If you even see some manga that look super trashy take a look at the coms and rating. You'll find the most poorly writen shit with the best rating just because it let the retard who read it self insert.
And in these shit you'll see people love "romance" story that have a plot consisting of a MC that get slaves and use his position to have sex with them. Or worst, there are some story where the MC take adventage of someoen who's mind is totaly broken, and peopel find this cute...

TL DR People are retarded in general.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 14, 2020
aight, i had to pause after that confession,

Holy was not expecting that so suddenly
Same the gay panic hit hard, I put the story down for at least an hour and then continued haha I barely remember this from thr LN but I plan to reread
Active member
Jan 10, 2023
Im so late, but oh my goddd 😭😭 im so happy its caught up to this point of the ln, so excited to see the rest of it
Aggregator gang
Apr 9, 2019
It baffles me how people still manage to mischaracterize Adachi and Shimamura this far into the story (thinking about the people on page 1), it's like the whole introspection thing (that's all over the manga) flew over their heads, so I want to offer my own take as I love the books, being my favorite among all I've read.
There's honestly not even much to explain, both of them are broken people:
  • Adachi became the way she is because of her parents. She didn't get the love she needed during her childhood, as she became closed off and thus socially awkward she never managed to get friends who'd support her. No one ever showed interest in her, not even her own parents. Her only purpose in life was her job and school, then one day everything changed because of Shimamura, the first person to make her feel things she hasn't felt before, to add some color to her life, her catalyst to finally change. If you want spoilers about the whole parent ordeal, it's kinda emotional:
    • Their marriage was not out of love, Adachi wasn't born out of love either, the zoo incident also happened because of this.
    • Her mom really regrets everything and has Adachi promise that she will not turn out like her mom.
    • Her mom wants to mend their broken relationship. Signified by her gifting an elephant plushie to Adachi through Mashiro (the exact plushie she wanted back then and she realized it too), she placed it in their bedroom alongside their other plushies which shows that she shares this desire too.
  • Shimamura's case is different, on the surface she's the complete opposite of Adachi. She has a great family that has always treated her with love, she has always had friends, a person with purpose as she has a lot to live for. But if you look under the surface what you find is a broken person who, in reality, lacks purpose in life, who simply goes with the flow as it's the easiest way to live, who simply does not care what happens and hasn't cared for a very long while, and when she tried to care it didn't last. Then one day she meets Adachi who essentially barges into her mundane and grey life, giving color to it, slowly changing her, making her find purpose in caring.
A therapist is not the answer to everything and may not even work when your issues are so deeply rooted in you, sometimes you need to find that one person who gives you purpose and finally heals your broken soul. This is exactly the whole point about this story, always has been. Just 2 broken girls finding purpose in each other.
And if you want even more spoilers related to both girls, they are destined lovers, meant to find and be with each other even in death.
I also read the novels and absolutely loved them. It's a great story. Have you read Shuukura(Buying My Classmate Once a Week)? I personally see a ton of similarities in the two stories. Heck even the couples are very similar to each other. 95% of that novel is spent inside one or the others head listening to their thoughts and it's also a really slow burn like AdaShima.
Aug 5, 2024
Yes! I caught up with it, on such a good note too! I really like that its a slowburn, it needs to be slow as to not rush the development of the characters, this series is so perfect
Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2018
Shimamura is definitely one of my favorite characters as she is written as an apathetic but emotionally intelligent character. She wants to change, but goes on listlessly in life. Adachi brings her simple minded and clumsy earnest feelings to Shimamura's dull life and in turn changes her outlook in life. Great introspection always feels refreshing to read.
Jan 30, 2023
I dont really think the story is boring. I love reading their thoughts, it's so detailed. How awkward, clumsy and messy (very relatable) Adachi's feelings are...and I do appreciate how Shimamura slowly being kinda less apathetic now. Slowburn at its finest!!! My kind of thing so this is one hell of a good series for me fufufu thank you for translations 💖

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