Adashino-san wa Sude ni Shinderu. - Vol. 2 Ch. 22 - How long have you been a zombie?

Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
We already had the implication that there were multiple vampire bloodlines or something 'cause the president was either V-I or V-II blood type I think. Now this one is V-III. I wonder if this is a progenitor type thing, like there were just however many original vampires that were never turned by anyone else and it spread out from them, or if it's more like there was just a disease that spread and mutated a few times so it's more like people have different strains of it than a different "king" or "queen" type figure somewhere above them.

Questions that will never get answered, because it's a slice of life and there's like four chapters left.

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