
Active member
Jun 30, 2019
Le chapitre 37 XD J'adore cette fin 😂 Je suis sûre moi aussi que Lucas serait capable de pourchasser sa majesté 😂
Feb 4, 2018
I don't like this one.

The characters feel bland, the plot seems rushed...Idk.
I usually like this type of setting, but not here. Even if the FMC is a redhair (my fetish), i don't enjoy this story.
Aggregator gang
Dec 28, 2019
Adelaide knows he loves her but he can't give a straight answer, so she goes to visit her parents so he comes to marry her, ho~ho that's quite a plan. Too bad her father wants Felix to suffer a bit, but its quite justified why. and where does Ryu go, after she decides to go back in the water she came from hoping she'd travel dimensions again? Shes no were to be found in the lake.
I'm on ch. 74 for free >:3
Oct 20, 2019
This story is pretty frustrating now that I am looking back. Huge spoilers and nitpicks ahead.
The summary states that the MC and the villain are both from korea but it never goes anywhere and is only once touched again in the story. Magic exists in this world but is barely used or shown except to say the duke is rich. It isn't even used by the bad guys to prove she is a saint or even kill anyone, they just don't have it. Duke gives a tracking wedding ring and only uses it once and fails to find the MC later in the story. Lady Yuria has no reason to exist but to give her a friend, barely shows up and ends up with the Prince. Pretty sure the Prince is gay for her brother but went for the sister as the next best choice, barely interacts with her lmao. Bad guy Noble exists but doesn't do anything but does what the Duke was planning to do anyways to the other bad guys. Bad maid. And her family is punished for even looking bad at MC's direction in the intro. MC has a family lmao and they were supposed to move in with the Duke's house. Never seen for a long time and suddenly they are back home.
This story was a mess and the only good thing was MC.
Apr 16, 2019
@Xdews1 oh I totally get where you're coming from. MY major bone to pick(besides those you've mentioned) was that the MC was a fashion designer.

Yet the only thing she did "design" was 1 shoe. That's it! The only other thing she did was her pocket "idea", if you can even call it that. Did you know women in the 17th century had pockets? It wasn't the same as what she asked for but no one wouldn't know what a pocket was for women.

Sorry it just irks me. The jobs people take are taken for a reason. Someone who wants to be a receptionist doesn't have the same skills(or sometimes even the same way of thinking) as someone who's a judge vs a mathematician vs businessman vs artist. Yes, some skills are universal but it was like the job fashion designer was put in there for two things and that was it.

The author could have just said Adelaide was interested in fashion. Why go the extra mile when the character had done nothing with her knowledge?

Anyway, after saying all that, besides my gripes with the manhua I did enjoy the chemistry between the two characters though chapter
73+ is dragging it out in a very frustrating and needlessly elaborate manner. (I'm taking about her silly plan...)

Edit: I only call her plan silly because I'm assuming if she sits and thinks about it she'll realize she's backing him into a corner, which was the whole reason she didn't want to go through with the engagement in the first place. But oh well...
Apr 18, 2019
The start was good. Adelaide seemed like a strong woman, but she turned into an insecure manipulative bitch towards the ML over nothing.

And what's the point of giving us their korean backstories when it's not going to be used. The only relevance was Susan's ability to fake cry because she's an actress.
The story would've gone the exact same way even if there wasn't any reincarnation or interdimension travel.

That just tells you how poor the writing is.
Active member
May 22, 2020
Finished this series on! I love how they kept on beating the villain's antics and how it ended but I wish the MC's past of being a "designer" was shown more because in the end she became more of a businesswoman.
May 25, 2020
@spookie she also like made a new type of shoe and was smarter in many ways like business bc of her reincarnation. her brain was also something felix was attracted too
Active member
Apr 18, 2018
Good art, poor writing.
I only come here for Felix. He is handsome and timid. Cute.
Apr 10, 2019
Started okay, went downhill so fast.
Adelaide became really manipulative and villain like jealous, and we're supposed to get behind her actions because the Duke had issues verbalizing his feelings? Also, she has 0 interest in his reasons, did she even know his trauma? It's like all she cares about is everyone in the world knowing she has him on the palm of her hand. And he ends up with no personality of his own, just as a puppy who is head over heels in love.
Mar 2, 2020
The full story is already completed. Its a good story with some fluff some drama. I loved it. Sometimes simple stories are the best.
Aug 2, 2020
MC is a piece of shit, i actually read this on a different website but the people there didn't like my opinion.
Anyways, MC just leaves him to 'prove his love' and tons of people cheered her on.
Like what the fuck.
Imagine if your girlfriend leaves you because you dont know how to tell her your feelings properly, I would just ditch her and find someone else. She even gets jealous over him smiling at a maid, and holds a grudge just because of that. That's toxic as fuck.
Active member
Feb 17, 2020
I read this on another site and enjoyed it a lot! The story is more drama driven than romance driven, though the romance is essential to the plot throughout. The plot isn't very heavy overall, though I wouldn't go as far as "fluffy" although I've for sure read stories like this with a lot of more dark elements. The FL is cheerful, confident and honestly quite a bit devious, she is likened to a fox in the story - which is very true.
The ML has trouble saying that he loves the FL, and the FL won't go through with a marriage without reciprocated love, especially not to a man of such a high position (marrying a duke is no small thing for the FL who is from the country and rather low in the hierarchy). So, the FL acts as if she'll break the engagement in order to spur the ML on, which while rather manipulative is 'good' in the long run as by doing this she ensures that they 1) marry while being completely certain they love eachother and 2) in such a way that makes sure that their future married life is one free from malicious rumors such as "it was arranged by the prince, they don't actually love eachother". The FL is a lot more politically savvy than she is kind-hearted.
My one complaint would be that there is so much shine on the FL, the ML barely gets any of it lol
Jul 30, 2020
i just wish the writing were as good as the art... such a waste 😔
oh well... i think i’m gonna drop this manhwa

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