Again My Life - Ch. 44

Aug 23, 2019

There are two possibilities. In Korea, dodging draft is basically social and career suicide if found out. So either:

1. He's making sure to serve so that nobody digs dirt on him in future and uses that fact to end his career.


2. It makes no sense, but author is making sure his work isn't attacked for showing draft dodger in positive light.

I hope it's first.
Double-page supporter
Dec 26, 2019
First looks quite plausible, but issue exists that almost all of his enemies dodged military service and their reputation wasn't damaged despite MC risking his life to fight against them.
Do people really look down on people who didn't went to a military? That is quite interesting.

Second seems what author went for, given that past few chapters it was said that all his enemies can only dodge military using money (implied that it is dishonorable, with president comment).
And it seems that in manhwa's (or whatever they are called) it become somewhat recent trend to add MC in military, so there is that.

Honestly, I hope that author is going to add few comments as to why he went to military, cause without that it kind of ruins whole arc for me.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2018
I've thought that, too,
But if he's the big bad guy just because he has the highest influence and not necessarily because he's far more evil than the other politicians, then beating him will only change the guy in top and nothing else..

Exactly, and for me it's a bit further, not only the author has yet to show him do anything (overly) bad, he has yet to sell the idea of how bad things can be
Jul 1, 2020
@potatozero still i guess for now ,all we have is still something bad to dislike him as a reader but no hate as he had some sort of influence with the past death of mcs parents
Dex-chan lover
Sep 8, 2019
Sorry but his decision is super dumb, he's fighting against someone who'll basicaly become untouchable with time, he doesn't have years of influence growing to waste for a dumb reason of principle with the army and in the year he'll be gone, it's almost guaranteed everyone around him and everything he built is gonna be fucked and his influence will be gone.

(And the whole 'draft dodger' stigma is overblown, it's basicaly just an excuse to get rid off of people who lost a power struggle, wether they actualy draft dodged or not, there are dozens of korean stars and politician who draft dodged, get caught and still have their career going strong because people cared for 3 days and moved on.)
Mar 4, 2020
@KamiKira00 Korean males over 19 (between 19=28, now extended to 30 if I remember correctly) are obligated to serve in a millitary for 1 year and 6-9 months depends where they are serving, it was a bit longer back then, they have shortened service time recently. And yes, males who are skipping millitary service are looked down upon and deliberately avoiding the service can get you banned from the country (Steve Yoo case) or go to prison. Even people who had to shorten their service due to medical conditions aren't looked upon favourably.
Does rich people avoid getting drafted? Yes ,from wiki: "Studying abroad or migrating overseas to obtain foreign citizenship are considered the preferred option for sons in wealthy families, while nearly a hundred high-ranking politicians including sitting members of the National Assembly have managed to arrange unexplained exemptions for their sons"

Most of koreans prefer to serve early after 1st year of studies from what I've read. So similar to the MC
Dex-chan lover
Jan 13, 2019
@PotatoZero if you mean other politician in real life, well... But, at least in the South Korea of this manga, he was like the boss of all. The MC also didn't plan to topple him right away in his second life, rather he planned to destroy the 'impenetrable wall' of the antagonist first, so i think he's going to make a lot of changes in his second life.

But, I agree, so far, it's too little evil deeds shown by the author to portray the evilness of the main villain. If the author would like to create a last boss like one particular politician i know in my country, it's still lacking a lot. Also, if the author fails to show why the main villain is the last boss, like showing his evil deeds more, then this will be just about MC's personal resentment towards him.
Double-page supporter
May 1, 2020
This dude gonna outmaneuver the corrupt politicians only to get done in by a frustrated yandere i swear
Sep 18, 2020
BalrogDeMorgoth It's Korean manhwa, MC that dodge military mandatory won't look good in reader's eyes. And it's not easy to a normal citizen of SK without powerful backing to easily slip and not doing it. Even a big bb such as BTS made some news whether they should go or given a pass cause their popularity worldwide and have positive result econimically for SK. And how big the news can be, it's not purely by the topic itself, when political issue can be happened during that tike, those people like the ahtagonist might blow the news to cover some issue. It's common sense in there to use celebrity or murder case to overshadow news that they don't want to be look upon such as corruption. MC also tried to save money as much as possible, even if he got medical excuse, it's not 100% guaranteed pass but might enlist as social worker (iirc, a job that easiee than being in the military with mount of training).

In addition, 2 years is the maximum years to serve, if MC's group and MC himself doing exceptionally well, he might get award or some position, also vacation days + faster graduation (so it won't be full 2 years), a good one might also build connection (because the higher up use this chance to hire an outsanding/rare soldier)

It's either when you're still in uni or late in your job, but the later one can be pita as you'll lose your job especially if you're an easily replacable worker. More info already explained by Raven23

Sorry for bad english, I don't know if you already knew or not, still I want to reply to your comment in here :)

Oh, yeah majority don't like serving the military mandatory, so that's why they don't really like who don't do it like them (and feel the suffering lol), usually after they're done, it's like a thing that make them are proud too especially if they hold a title during their service time :3
Active member
Jan 19, 2020
What the... 1st girl was missing for so long and all we get is a couple frames? And what's with that final shot, they've only met a couple of times as far as I remembered.

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