ok I just have to say this but I really think there is more to Hak, they keep mentioning his strength is equal to a dragon, and the more they say it I have to think either he is...
1) Part of the sword or shield of Yona prophesy but then what did the priest mean that part hasn't awakened yet (for he is plenty strong as is)
2) there is another prophecy or mythical thing coming up, maybe from the Kai Empire, for Hak is an orphan so we don't know his full origins (like I can't remember if his grandpa said he is an orphan of the Wind tribe or from outside)
3) I think it would be a bit much... Another dragon, not my fav but they do call him the dark dragon so I'm not one to reject things unless there are really out there or jossed
Hak is too strong be a normal guy so I really feel like something is going to be revealed about Hak