Akatsuki no Yona - Vol. 35 Ch. 203 - Delusion of Deprivation

Apr 22, 2020
Ahahaha Soo-won never change
There really wasn't any way he'd actually act to bring harm, much less work towards "giving" the dragons to someone with such blatantly bad intentions lmaoo. But I'm curious to see what he has to say next.

Plus all the dragons climbing onto Jae-ha ahsjdk such a pure sight

Thanks for the update!
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 4, 2020
Thanks for the translation! Feel like the comic is ramping back up again after a bit of a dip with this arc. Can't wait to see what happens next.
Nov 4, 2019
glad to see the update! the translation quality of the other one is always so shoddy. i was rather confused. im really sticking to yalls next time. worth the wait ^^
Aug 15, 2020
Woot woot
Thanks for the chapter! It's lovely as always

Also good for soo won lololol he has his priorities fixed and principles set i hate how the other group kept badmouthing him-ofc he has done bad things and justification for any crime is questionable but theyre unnecessarily biased plus their commentary is annoying (i remember sth along the lines of 'take that, soo won stans!' and i just got annoyed bc that wasnt the point to be taken away from that chapter/panel, nor was it actually demeaning to his character??)and distracting and their translations are nowhere near as clear as yours(i blocked them a couple months ago bc i didnt want to accidentally read their chaps dont hate them or anything but prefer yours wayyy better) i believe they use 'king crimson' which ig fits but that sorta turned me off of them when they first released chaps so i ve been following this scan from the beginning

Sorry for the long comment i just felt like typing a lot bc i m unnecessarily picky about translations even though idek jap or korean i think i just see mistranslations branded as localisations of my own native tongue and that irritation just manifests here in my weebhood as well
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 18, 2018
Yeah Soo-won had never want to use the power of the dragons to save the kingdom anyway, so why should he care.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 6, 2018
Everyone is so greedy over the dragons and act like they should control them, lmfao, as though they're just "assets". Eg. Asshat advisor and this lady 🙄

They are Yona's family you trash, step into line! No wonder the decendents are cursed, most of y'all are so self entitled...

This lady gives the vibes of "i was wronged once in my entire life and that has affected me so much, so noone else should do well!"

She better keep her grubby paws off of 'the dragons' and Hak

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