This looks nice, I like it. However based on that last panel, I'm assuming one day Mani grows up and has to kill Ur some way or another (they're two different species, they can't be together forever). Thank you for translating
Personally, I thought that panel was deliberately vague / open to speculation (though with a single most obvious interpretation based on the context and silhouettes).
@KN-XIII@Ferry Don't know if good or bad news, seems Kodansha will drop this after the latest(3rd) volume in Japan and Mogi will self-publish the finale herself;
Good news probably for some, but bad news for me as the manga isn't licensed in my country, so I don't have any other way to read it.
Eh? I wonder what happened. But maybe, that's Kodansha Japan only and maybe Kodansha Comics will continue to publish her works? Since it says it's digitally only.