Dismire isn't exactly wrong, it's Cain who is extraordinarily progressive for his time period, tbh, it's like the CEO going around and hanging out with the new employees, BUT we have to remember that the biggest reason the Aristocracy was taken down because they weren't progressive enough and stuck in the past, so Dismire isn't exactly right either.
That said, braided hair Cain is very cute.
he is wrong about something though:
Indoctrinating Educating the commoners on why they are commoners and you are their rulers, is a very important thing to remember to do. Don't forget propaganda that is highly visible to show why
you are the superior leader to follow too, like having your daughter handle a very lacking soup-kitchen, or order a knight to stay they hand and show mercy on a kid
(-actor) who fell in front of your carriage stopping it.
Mc is absolutely right about that, teaching the villagers that the taxes they pay are used to fund larger public projects, serve as a safety net, and overall improve their situation and economy (including by advertising their exports), not to mention paying for a standing army to protect them and educating bureaucrats, etc... is extremely important if you want to cut down on embezzlement at the lowest level, and overall eliminate discontents.
But I do agree that they are doing a much too naive implementation of things. And forgetting to keep a proper divide between the classes, but indeed asserting that they
are superior to those common-born, and thus deserve more luxuries and to be obeyed, too.