I mean as he said, and I think is really important, is that they really need to get used to the tension. Just like how missing a day of a routine, and you would start becoming less inclined to do it the next day. And it’s only the 2nd game and they are thinking of lazing around. Plus, when Chouta heals up, 2 of the members would have more experience, therefore boosting their chances. The only downside would be him feeling like an obstacle to everyone, but they handled it well.He doesn't want Chouta to participate because of his leg, but he only has 2 days left anyways along with the rest of them. Why bother doing a game now when a one day difference won't matter too much? Just wait the extra day so Chouta can participate. Not that the extra day would even matter anyways as far as healing goes, since an arrow wound would take longer to heal completely.