So can you kindly point out where the translator of my team is wrong? I'm sorry, but I won't listen to any words without specific evidence.
P/S: Also, it's "I would suggest you look for" and not "to look for". In more formal English, you suggest that someone do something.
Hey Umineko,
perfectly understandable that you want to see some proof. I certainly don't want to give the impression that I am a lector or anybody else with profound knowledge in the english language. But as I said, while reading this work I had at multiple points problems understanding it or seeing some errors.
I am not an English native speaker myself, so I'm very likely not correct with each and every one of my comments, but I still think you will find it useful to look through them.
And I am thankful for your comment regarding "suggest". I looked into it and it seems I learned an archaic version of using that verb which is outdated nowadays.
Last words before the comments: As I now put more than 3 hours into this proofreading, I hope it shows that I do not want to diss your teams work but rather help making it even better. I can't read japanese at all, so I am very thankful to people like you who bring these works outside of japan.
Here now the comments you asked for:
In general I get the impression that the translation often tries to be very accurate to the japanese original, even in sentence structure. This makes it harder to read though, since English and Japanese differ a lot in that regard. Also, I have not commented on commas, because I am not 100% sure myself where they go. But, I do get the feeling that there were points where they should have been.
Ch = Chapter; P = page
Ch 1 P7 "The Serial Killer has disturbed the Public recently." -> Alicia is adressing them, so it should be "the serial killer that has disturbed the public recently." since she askes before "isn't it you guys?"
Ch1 P17 "Had you are an ordinary passenger" -> "had you been an..." ; "and asked to leave" -> "and are asked to leave" or "and they asked you to leave" or just "and leave" ; and the whole panel sounded strange to me. After reading it multiple times now, I understood what was meant. The second bubble with "that other person" made me wonder when another person was being talked about before, since Nyar addresses Satsuki in the first bubble directly with "you". I would change the 2nd bubble to "But since it is you we are talking about, it's very likely that you will not leave anytime soon".
Ch2 P5 "Just stop looking around" -> "Stop just looking around" makes more sense to me. the way it is now is again not exactly wrong, but seems rather strange in the situation.
Ch2 P7 "Sankrit" -> "Sanskrit" ; "hieroglyph" -> "hieroglyphs"
Ch2 P8 "I presumed" -> "I presume"
Ch2 P16 "kill them with your heart's contents" sounds strange, like wrongly written "kill them to your heart's content" since his "heart's contents" don't show up at all later in the battle as a special power or similar thing.
Ch2 P17 "in the midnight" -> "at midnight" or "in the mid[dle] of night"
Ch2 P17 "here a little bit" -> "for a bit"
Ch3 P2 the whole newspaper article is strangely written. "The fishes are mainly species from the Pacific ocean, located at the river downstream..." makes it sound like the pacific ocean is located at the river downstream. The other way around and a different verb makes it clearer: "Found at the river downstream from the bridge, the fishes are mainly from the Pacific Ocean". " is very unusual that even if the deep-sea fishes are being disposed of, involved indidviuals are confused what happened." Why is the unusualness depending on the fishes being disposed of? I think "with" makes more sense instead of "if": "even with the fished being disposes of, ..."
Ch3 P2 "if something happened on such a scale then it would end up" -> "would have ended up" since he talks about a potential past event.
Ch3 P3 "ordinary person you know" -> "ordinary person, you know"
Ch3 P6 "not to peeping" -> "not to peep"
Ch3 P10 "will be submitted like a dog" -> "will submit like a dog", since "will be submitted" doesn't make sense, you can only submit yourself (even though you may be forced to submit, it is still an action by you)
Ch3 P13 "did I have gone" -> "Have I gone" or "Did I go"
Ch3 P14 Panel 2 has a strange flow. "Something wrong?" fits better to Nyars answer. Then "No... but that man who is called Inumaru... he has my great interest."
Ch3 P14 Panel 6 the question is "do you have any idea what the hell that thing is?", similar to "do you know what day today is?"
Ch4 P3 Might be nitpicking, but Lovecraft (nearly?) always called them with article "the great old ones", to infer their godly power
Ch4 P3 "it would be easy to capture" -> "you would be easy to capture" or "it would be easy to capture you"
Ch4 P9 "on a fatigue" -> no idea, google only finds that phrase in the context of e.g. "on a fatigue formula..."
Ch4 P9 "you didn't notice, didn't you?" -> double negative, should be "didn't notice, did you?"
Ch4 P9 "4000 years later" -> normally you don't say "later" when you mean in the future starting from now, rather "4000 years in the future"
Ch4 P9 "he will suffer in the world..." -> strange/wrong syntax, my proposition is "he will suffer, as not a single human being on this world will be there to be ruled over"
Ch4 P16 "in the same essential" -> no idea, a noun seems to be missing as essential is an adjective
Ch5 P4 "you are only sensible when in that appearance, don't you?" -> "... appearance, aren't you?"
Ch5 P4 "He dared make a fool out of me?" -> "he dares to make a fool out of me?"
Ch5 P9 "if only you can, that is" -> "if only you could" This is called subjunctive mood, as I learned via googling if I am right.
Ch5 P10 "are you sure if we let him get away" -> "are you sure we should let him get away?"
Ch5 P11 Panel 1 has a strange flow to it. Satsuki asks a question which should not be answered with "that's right", but if you include "Oh, that's right...", it makes more sense.
Ch5 P16 "her clothes will gone" -> "her clothes will be gone"
Ch5 P19 I do not understand why she calls Carter Papa here? Is it supposed to be a joke since she wouldn't exist if Carter/Lovecraft wouldn't have written his works?
Ch5 P20 It seems strange that he says he failed to capture them, when before he got the order to kill them and specifically capture Alicia. Again, might be mangaka's fault, no idea
Ch6 P3 "Alhazred is consumed by" -> "was consumed"
Ch6 P4 "for dozens of fields" -> I am not aware of field being used as area unit of any specific amount, but just general for an area of unspecified size as a ... field
Ch6 P12 "you are a homunculus created by me, however" No idea what the however at the end is supposed to mean. is it supposed to be "..." afterwards instead of a single dot to end the sentence there?
Ch7 P4 "the dream is seen by Cthulhu" -> "as seen by Cthulhu" makes more sense with her sentence before and on the next page. "It's the dream... the dream as seen by cthulhu"
Ch7 P4 "you're here" -> "you here", again in the whole context makes more sense to me.
Ch7 P7 "a seeker of truth, but." -> The dot at the end of the sentence is strange, was probably meant to be "..." and then continued in the next sentence.
Ch7 P8 "please don't tell me that you have lost his track, right?" -> the "right" at the end sounds better as "okay?"
Ch7 P8 His answer "it's not" doesn't make sense with that question of hers. "It's not that" would fit.
Ch7 P12 "It's as if you are cursing upon yourself" -> "It's as is you are cursing yourself" or "... as if you put a curse upon yourself", but the first option fits better to Alicias answer & explanation on the next page
Ch7 P13 "I did" sounds better than "I cursed", although it is not wrong per se.
Ch7 P13 "or so that means" -> no idea what is meant here with that part
Ch7 P14 "among them" -> "among those kind of people" makes more sense to me, since it would recontextualize her speech on the last page as "what those kind of people think"
Ch7 P14 "you can never hope to win someone" -> again ambigous, "... win against someone" or "win someone over "? no idea which one is meant.
Ch7 P14 "I still win if our condition is the same" -> no idea. what condition is meant?
Ch9 P9 "is something extremely stable" doesn't make sense with what is that in the next panel, that the balance will be lost as soon as she leans to one side. So it should be "extremely unstable"
Ch9 P11 "The more blood that you shed" -> "the more blood you shed"
Ch9 P11 "I'ma keep you" -> it is really strange to see this century old magician use modern slang.
Ch9 P13 "for alicia who has become familiar with being either god or man" -> it seems strange to me here that she is being called one or the other. In my eyes it would make more sense if it said "she is neither god or man", since then it would make sense why the world wouldnt be her bother
Ch9 P17 "I never expect that" -> "I never expected that"
Ch10 P7 "I'm not really approved of this" -> either "not really approving" or "haven`t really approved"
Ch10 P16 "I care not how human is using" -> "how a human is" or "how this human is" or "how humans are"
Ch12 P6 "such a subject ought to exert that wisdom" -> "such a subject that ought to exert that wisdom"
Ch12 P11 "why you didn`t stop him" -> "why didn`t you stop him"
Ch12 P14 "this can't be happened" -> "this can't have happened"
Ch13 P15 "she beat up you too" -> "she beat you up too"
Ch13 P15 "no, mom" -> "nothing mom" sounds better
Ch13.1 P3 "you always said the same thing" -> "you always say the same thing"
Ch13.1 P4 "he begins to possess" -> "he began to possess"
Ch13.1 P4 "whenever I put on this" -> "whenever I put this on"
Ch13.1 P5 "thought about this?" -> seems strange to ask him if he thought about it, makes more sense as "thoughts about this" to ask for Nyar's opinion
Ch13.1 P9 "I supposed that" -> makes it sound like she already figured it out before, if that is not the intent of the mangaka, "I suppose that" makes more sense
Ch13.1 P9 "this world had eroded" -> "this world and had eroded"
Ch13.1 P9 "I will deal with it in advance" -> strange choice of words uttered after the thesis already did damage. "before it does even more damage" might be better choice.
Ch13.2 P1 "the skill that you pull it out" -> "the skill where you pull it out" here and in general on this page the "it" is never defined and makes reading this page strange.
Ch13.2 P4 "Nyar loves you, Aya-chan, including that another trait of yours, no?" -> hard to understand for me what is meant. Is it "Nyar loves you, that is another trait of you" or is it "Nyar loves you, including that other trait of yours?" ? "another" is the word responsible for the ambiguity here for me.
Ch13.2 P4 "stronger than anything else, things ..." -> "stronger than anything else. Things ..."
Ch13.2 P6 "Her Insight is great" as well as Alicias second speech bubble seem to be talking about the same person, but it is unclear who that is. The last mentioned female character is her deceased mother, but Nyar says "therefore she can stay as your friend", which doesn't make sense for her dead mother. So it seems he is talking about Satsuki. Which then makes the non-named reference to "her" in their 2 previous sentences ambigous.