@kaza_hesto that clearly breaks the rules and is probably going to get removed the second a mod sees it.
Rule 2.1: Scans of official releases or webcomics from official sources, such as original releases (raws) or officially translated releases, are not allowed to be uploaded.
Since silent manga have little to no edits, it’s essentially just uploading the raws, and the kind people who host this site decided that that’s where they’ll draw the line in the ground so they won’t have to deal with such a legal hassle.
The way I’m suggesting to get around this is for mods to address it with a confirmation that allows people to make the series page, which could host all the links to raws and other sites of interest. Maybe even go the extra step by posting a chapter which forwards users to the original release in a similar way that is done with mangaplus releases, as suggested by @ BestBoy. While these suggestions don’t solve the issue with archiving, especially with abandoned series where the publisher or creator remove it from viewing or purchase, it still goes a long way with showcasing some amazing oneshots and stories that don’t get the attention they currently deserve.