Almighty Master

Fed-Kun's army
Jul 17, 2018
Enemies are stupid young master that maybe could accept anyone else to be above them except the MC.
Every side characters reaction are always exaggerated about everything, they really love to gosip, talk about it out loud and meddle in someone else's personal life.

I wonder why I still read this, maybe cuz I need some wish fulfilment sometimes
Dex-chan lover
Dec 7, 2018
i personally like some of the art
-sometimes proportions look a bit goofy
but otherwise this is mind numbingly stupid...
characters are either
really stupid
borderline psychotic
self centered/ sociopath-ic
yes-men cheerleaders
exist to drive some homophobic joke, 100% bland and uninspired yknow its pretty much "HahA GAAAAY" shit humor
or a combination of the like
the women are no better in a lot of respects
either BRAINDEAD (unable to show the slightest bit of basic critical thinking skills), self centered (often to such a repulsive degree), manipulative, thirsty for cash/status (or just obnoxiously materialistic and vain), orrrrrrrrr... a combination of the like
1 girl seemingly just hates Qin Mo b/c his parents are dead and he "looks like" a bum (his clothes looked clean and plain?) man subverted her expectations time and time again (i'd argue for at least 20 chapters) before she started... blushing? and show infatuation towards him? *spit*
1 girl just hates men in general b/c 1 man fucked with her and she's so self centered (much like the first) that if you so look her direction she thinks you're trying to have sex with her
-so irrational she accused Qin Mo of switching dogs just to get close to her (what sense does this make?)
she's supposedly best girl and she only changed her mind about Qin Mo after she found out that Qin Mo helped advise some artist's painting.. so if he wasn't that talented and wise, he'd be just some shit eating punk trying to bed her... pretty sure that guy who mistreated her didn't even touch her sexually, just led her on...
1 girl legit was fine... she wasn't self centered... she has her fair share of baggage but not nearly as toxic as the others, I believe her name is Yueran she's got red hair
but you can't have just an average ok girl in this can you...
-lets be real though she's similar in that she's chasing after success and talent
so she becomes enamored with Qin Mo b/c of the multitude of skills he displayed
and when he added to that perceived skill set by modifying a car he got, she realized its time to try and milk him... why?
b/c she promised to bed a guy she wasnt interested in... if she lost some modded car tournament
if im understanding this correctly, she was acting more so off of this yolo inclination b/c of her body's terrible constitution and is supposedly fated to die by 20 yrs old
but still... there are questions
like when did she decide to partake in this ridiculous tournament?
judging from her behavior it was most likely before she even met Qin Mo... hence why she tried manipulation to begging just to attempt to coerce him...
so if she hadn't met Qin Mo she woulda bedded the guy off screen?
of course not... b/c this whole entire event just exists to show off just HOW AMAZING Jezus Qin Mo is
which goes into my main problem... there's too much fighting
everywhere Qin Mo goes there has to be 1 guy and at LEAST 2 lackeys there to talk about how poor he looks
there has to be a group of nearly nondescript women there to talk about how arrogant Qin Mo is if he ever DARES to retaliate verbally.
we get how great this man is...
we get that no one can rival him...
yet its like the author believes that we are just as braindead as these one note characters he concocted out of his ass
and therefore has to remind our puny brains every 3 pages Qin Mo is the greatest
but who knows maybe we are just braindead apes with short attention spans that need to be reminded of this fact...
afterall im about to hit the follow button
Jun 7, 2018
This series was promising, but sadly both, the art and story deteriorated very quickly. They most likely changed the artist completely and art went from solid 8/10 to 5/10 at most. The plot got so diluted that the manhwa doesn't even know anymore where it's going. All of the antagonists are a bunch of retards, with an IQ score equivalent to that of your average sledge hammer. Most of the characters are shallow, their reasoning is flawed, their motivations almost nonexistant and actions superficial. I'd initially recommend reading this after the first 10 chapters, but not anymore as for quite a while now this series has turned into a rancid mess. Considering maybe forgotten/hidden potential, I could give this 5/10 at most, but 4-4.5/ is more deserved now. I don't even know why I'm still reading this anymore. Whenever I read a chapter expecting an improvement, "my disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined". To sum it up - a prime example of what a wasted potential looks like.
Jan 17, 2019
another chapter where nothing happens just repeated insults, and superficial people just to end the chapter. To then spend the entire chapter afterwards making the people realize that they shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. Not only that i fail to even remember what this series plot even is/was, because let's be honest at this point in the story there isn't one anymore.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 12, 2018
There are so many of these "overwhelmingly powerful MC deals with petty squabbles chapter after chapter" manhua out here, all of them are boring as fuck.
Aug 24, 2018
Ok, so this is a pretty dumb manwha. Plain characters and dumb story. The only redeeming quality is the art and the MC personality, as it is a bit original compared to the sea of op MCs out there.
Jun 15, 2020
If you can translate this manhua into programming codes it will be;-
1. OP MC.
2. People look down on MC.
3. MC proves he's OP.
4. People worship him.
5. Next situation.
6. Repeat step 2 to step 6 until the author improves his IQ.

MC = OP; i=0;
// situation(i)//
//people look down on MC//
// MC proves he's OP//
// People worship him//
}While(author IQ<20)
Jul 25, 2020
This lowly reader truly is thankful for the art and background being good, yet the characters are laughably bad. This causes the story to drop to nothing more than this orphan solving problems while getting more praise at the cost of getting more enemies. How wasteful that the scenarios are fleshed out rather well...
Apr 5, 2020
I know this is garbage... but it's a bit more humorous than some of the others and takes itself a bit less seriously. I've gotten a few good chuckles out of it. Also, it's coherent at least which is more than I can say for some of the other low-tier stuff.
Active member
May 1, 2018
I really wish this artist can just collaborate with a good author to make a good adaptation of an existing series.

Like the artist has some really great art skills and paneling going on, is good at drawing action and is good with (in-scene) pacing, but all the skills is seriously wasted on with this crappy writing.
There's also so many great novels with shitty adaptations... Can't they just combine and produce a nice series instead? xd
Active member
Jan 28, 2019
Everything about this is retarded as shit.Non of the characters are likeable hell even the MC is boring as shit expect for the old man who turns buff,MC friends/roommates,aunt, that glasses wearing dude who stole from the MC and later said I'm sorry in my opinion are the only likeable ones in this

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