Am I Your Daughter? - Vol. 1 Ch. 30

Oct 14, 2019
idrc about whatever the crown prince has to say. i just need him to stay tf away with that stick up his ass because the emperor apparently wants the mc to get with that thing

and i’m all about not letting that bastard get what he wants. idk the age difference i’m thinking at least 5, idrc but if this dude really is the male lead, cause he’s a cold mysterious child (a dick) and that’s usually a deciding factor, then the emperor should just go die now so his dreams can’t come true thx

thx for working on this. ik some people are complaining about the plot and a lot of us are calling her dumb cause she is but i acc like this story a little so i’d love to read it if you guys continue. i hope you aren’t losing motivation because of all of us haters in the comments
Dex-chan lover
Oct 24, 2018
Dang they took her away, why did they have to conduct a blood test in front of everyone of they already knew at his home she's related to him. And the priests all saw her blood be proved as a kalisto why couldn't they just take their word and the Duke's acknowledgement that she's his daughter. And if they were really cautious they never should have trusted an spectacle set up by the crooked king
Jun 14, 2020
Wtf even is this test??? It doesn't make sense and only makes my head hurt 👹
Apr 30, 2019
I hope she and sir ivan get to have a cute big brother/little sister relationship i like their interactions
May 6, 2019
@JWChibi @tralxus Remember she was originally adopted but was saved by the Duke. That person accused the Duke of kidnap so he had to prove to the nobles that she is of Kallisto bloodline.
Dec 28, 2020
30 chapters in and I feel like she's just drifting through the world, slack-jawed. Literally and figuratively.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 2, 2018
Man this doesn't make much sense, they already PROVED she was related to a priest and probably to even the archbishops that strolled over, and multiple figures of the Duke's house. This Duke by title and by all accounts should be basically unassailable by any noble and even the the Ruler. Hes a religious icon by all accounts due to the God's blessing and that sword. He has a Duke Title and the support of this Holy Kingdom. Someone like this claiming a child that looks impossibly similar to him and his bloodline that always has those traits in the main line plus her "divine power" should have everyone backing off.
Aug 1, 2020
@simba6 SAME I'M SO FRUSTRATED RIGHT NOW Honestly just fuck this, it's going in my On Hold folder until there's more chapters don't want the stress.
Mar 16, 2019
NOTE: I like the story, very cute. But 30 chapters in and both the mc and us know practically nothing about the world. TEACH HER SHIT PLEASE they might as well have not made her go back in time as a key story point. (It feels like a random combination of "Monster Duchess and Contract Princess" and other similar stories.)

(I am still confused why she is being accused of being an assassin when it was literally one of the count's men who attacked the prince) Heck she was JUST adopted and the prince happened to be out. Plus why the count didnt know what the 2nd prince looked like back in chapter 1? What were the goals of the nobles in punishing the duke? "HOW DARE YOU TAKE A CHILD BEGGING FOR HELP! WE STRIP YOUR TITLE AWAY! You are no longer a duke! Just the king of . . the holy . . country . .. which we have no power in stripping your uh title to king uhm." I genuinely don't understand the noble's goals.

This world is confusing. How can a duke and an entire religious country be pushed around so easily, there really shouldn't be much conflict and have they even tested if she can use the sword? There is a few factors that can prove she is related that can't be tampered with. They say the sword is special and can only be used by someone related to the Holy King but have yet to explain what that power the sword has. I mean if she touches the sword and it begins to glow or some shit that is an obvious piece of evidence. And why wouldn't a blood test not be tested a few times if it only turns blue with kalisto blood and purple with any other blood that is very damn easy to tamper with. And there would be no reason for the Duke to lie about this and be so forward with letting her do the test if it was false.

We also don't know anything about the holy country is it even an actual country? does it have a military? Cause so far it seems the Holy country is a pretty damn big pushover even if the Empire has a stronger military it shares the same religion it seems. Which means the people would be on the church's side. The story is very very very cute but I feel the world building is abominably weak in comparison. There is information thrown into it about the country existing but never solidifies it. They had more than ample time to set up some world building when she was in the mansion by having the priest teach her more. They dabbled in this but should have kept going.

And if I missed some vital info well shit I fucked up my bad I am super tired while typing this.
Double-page supporter
Dec 10, 2020
Why is the knight following the command of a child instead of doing his job? At least say that you will stay by her side even if she can't be returned to the Kalisto state. Of course a child will want to avoid a fight if you threaten her. As an adult, and one pledged to protecting her, your job is to stick by her side and not let her get pushed around.
Double-page supporter
Mar 8, 2019

The reason why she is so childish is because she is quite literally still a child mentally.

She was locked in a single room with minimal to no interaction between her and anyone else up to her death before she turned 18. Additionally, no special skills or any information about the country she lives in means she has nothing meaningful to fall back on or try to curry favor of. The best she was able to do was literally run and hope the bad man can't take her away.

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