@SC_LuChiMYE Yeah . . . specifically, if she keeps this up I can see type 2 in her future.
Real piece of advice by the way, as a non-overweight dessert-loving guy who comes from a dessert-loving family: Consider going more for rich than sweet. If your desserts have lots of cream, butter and so on they're still not good for you, but they don't pack that same sugar-goes-straight-to-the-veins punch. Glycemic index is better. It's weird, but fat is less fattening than sugar and of course much less hard on your pancreas. Plus, the rich desserts tend to be pretty awesome, classy high-end treats that let you ask "Was it worth it?" and have the answer come back "Ohhh, yeah."
Secondarily, dark chocolate from around 70% cocoa up is probably actively good for you.