Amai Seikatsu - Vol. 11 Ch. 104 - Super First-Class

Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2019
Pg13 Wakamiya-san done threw DOWN on her!

Man, they make the Japanese people short; appropriately so, but... damn.
Double-page supporter
Sep 6, 2019
Yay, my quote made it! ;p

I wonder how uncomfortable it must be for her to wear the wig as Adelle all the time, and only let her real hair out when she's Sirius. And it's sort of sweet/sad that the street urchin made himself into a thief because he thinks the only person who cares for him has to be a pro.

At this point, I'm expecting Adelle to have the one of the most extreme reactions to Edo's lingerie or for her to have the most understated.
Jan 6, 2019
Thanks a ton for the translation.

I honestly don't have many thoughts on this arc... It's important to the overall story, but I just don't care for the side characters. It be like that sometimes.
Good that they didn't tell the little boy how they know. Any and all cooperation would have ended right there.
Also no surprise that Edo doesn't know what a prostitute is. I just hope that Yumiko is patient enough to ease him into doing the dirty with her when he is ready. But my expectations might be a bit too high for seeing good interactions with an ace or demi person in a manga from the 90s. I will still hope though.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 17, 2019
Thanks as always for your excellent work!

Yumika really managed to corner Sirius with that argument on her ability to behave professionally no matter the circumstance, hah. Love it. Also, kid's kind of OK in my books now - now it's clear he isn't being used by others, and did it for a rather noble reason. Doesn't make his attempted theft any better, but it does help explain his motives.
May 18, 2020
Let's go!!! We need to see something Sirius. Thank you for the meal translators!.
Jan 27, 2020
Thank you so much for another chapter,

Please keep safe everyone think the things you do, everything has his own cosequences

Ty Lazypervert
Active member
Apr 23, 2020
A lazy pervert working on hentai which has more work than usual.
It do be like that.
Jan 6, 2019
@DjAlexDubCheck Ace is a common short form for "asexual". Asexuality, in case you don't know, is defined as "the lack of sexual attraction to others, or low or absent interest in or desire for sexual activity." by Wikipedia. This doesn't mean that they can't have sex or masturbate, they just aren't drawn to other people based on sexual attraction.

Your gays, straights, bis, pans and what have yous can be grouped together as "allosexual", meaning that they do feel sexual attraction to others and do have interest in sexual activity. They don't want it all the time, of course, but sex and anything related to it are very important to them.

And then there are demi(sexuals). They are "ace until proven guilty" to quote a meme from the sub-reddit and in between allos and aces. Meaning that there has to be a significant emotional bond for them to actually want to do it with their partner(s). "But isn't that normal?" Well, yes, but not for allos (who are more or less limited by society's standards). Demis really don't feel sexual attraction or desire towards a person unless there's a bond to them. It does not exclude any other orientations or attractions, so it's basically just a "modifier". The asterisks I used for aces still apply tho. Because sexual attraction, desire and physical reaction really don't have to line up all the time.
I call Edo demi because all of the sexual desire he might have shown has been around Yumika, the person he has the strongest emotional bond towards. Outside of family, ofc, but incest usually is not an option, no matter the attractions. Not mentioning that they have traumatized him...

Feel free to research more about these terms, as I have barely scratched the surface. But one last thing: The key to having sex with an ace (or demi) person is to give up. Don't pressure them. Otherwise they might feel that they have to give consent to maintain the relationship, which just taints it. (Cue me asking Yumika to be patient.)
Group Leader
Apr 8, 2019
@Seraphus From what I understand, 5' is the common height.

@biznizz Considering how much it will be hard for her to constantly keep on her head, I say a lot. But I don't know for sure since I don't wear a wig. Always wanted to but now I have no reason to. Who knows but I don't think she'll have that big of a reaction since she didn't react before.

@Ren-chan Does that mean she's going to burn the place down?

@Nestrior You are welcome. Edo is just a very sheltered person. Everyone sure is stuck on the Asexual aspect of him but I'm going to agree to disagree. I'm too fucking lazy to argue with everyone again. I do agree this arc is kind of odd but very necessary since this arc is showing a lot. And giving us a base on the next one.

@BanditHadron Apologies, I keep forgetting if you already have given me standing permission to use your comment. Dice gods have chosen you, may I use your comment?

@DjAlexDubCheck Edo's very, very sheltered. Poor guy.

@3DrealBF You are welcome, look forward to future chapters.

@BirohVlad You are welcome, thank you for commenting. We will do the best we can to keep everyone safe.

@n3p1c1 Oh yeah, I work because there are so few perverts willing to do the work.

@Sabruness I think there are another 2 chapters before the next arc appears. Check the chapter titles for an idea when to bing it.

@hoboshoe Got to help raise the kid right. lol, As in loving older women which I agree with.
Jan 6, 2019
@saintguardian I must've missed that, but if you don't want to get into it, I won't press. It's just the impression I am getting. Still, I want Yumika to take it slower with him as he doesn't even really know what is happening most of the time. So far, anyway.
Group Leader
Apr 8, 2019
@Ren-Chan Yeah, got to outrun everything. :p

@Nestrior I know it's what people are seeing but my mind knows that if someone puts what they believe onto what they are observing, it's not an objective observation. But that's all perspective which is why I stopped arguing with people about him being asexual. His mind is that of a child and Yumika is trying her best. She sadly has to take it really slow!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018

I think actual arsonists though deserve worse than accidental ones

Or the guys responsible for the fires in Australia

Another one about the Australia accused of arson.

Edit: CA wildfires have gotten so bad we've had one almost every year since controlled burns and brush clearing were essentially suspended. You'll have to dig into it but yeah.

Buereacratic inertia stalling a firefighting plane

Reuters article on how failing to clear burnable vegetation makes wildfires worse

Government agencies just failing to do their job as well

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