@moel He's trying. slowly but surely.
@BanditHadron It's kind of refreshing. Reminds me of someone. Didn't she fail because of Yamada?
@Deoxyribo9 rrrrrrrrrrr
@Miriable The next chapter shows you how more fun he is. He's old, he can get away with it. lol
@Kaiser92 Have to say that is best way when it comes to love. Risk all or you regret all.
@breizh and
@himeleth Just wait, it's going to be a pain in next chapter.
@tadanolurker You are welcome. Thank you for the words of encouragement. I'm trying to remember where I saw it but there is many different kinds of love. You'll see what happens next chapter.
@VirgoShaka I'm awake, I'm awake.
Sorry about the late reply. Crazy week this week. I am working on the next chapter as I write this. So please be patient. Unfortunately, this is a short chapter. Note. I will do a reupload next Thursday for this chapter so that other sites doesn't get the bonus stuff that comes with the volume.