Amano Megumi wa Suki Darake! - Ch. 230 - Confirmation

Active member
Jan 18, 2018
I only read this borderline brain-dead garbage every once in a while and even I agree that Yuuki should win this bowl.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2019
@Mad_Dawg omg why you even read the series man? Are you retarded or what? Series called AMANO MEGUMI for Christ sake, so your Yukki will never win by definition. So just stop complaining after reading 230 chapters and just drop it already, so we wont read your whining in the comments ever again 🤦🏻‍♂️

I guess I should stop reading comments, bcs it pisses me off how people after 230 chapters (why are you even here now?!) cant understand that this manga is about Megumi, wanna some new random girl to take her place instead, bcs "no progress", and didnt even get that Maa-kun is like tha bcs of Amano, how she made him into a man that he is right now, and how she restrain herself to not interfere with his future (bcs if she make a move now, she afraid it will mess with his plans to went into the Tokyo U) before they graduate, bcs she know how broken he was when he couldn't go to the school he wanted.
But its not like someone even put all of this thing together to look from this point (even though author himself showed us right now, how Amano actions from their childhood forged Maa-kun into who he is today). Idk what is wrong with you. Just read Komi-San's comments, 240+ chapters and no one whining like "oh, Tadano, you are wothless", or "fuck you, Komi, bcs you dont do shit, let's out gyaru win!" 🤦🏻‍♂️
Oct 9, 2018
@Jmann I agree and chock it mostly up to the ecchi-ness giving many the expectation of something fast and or closer to Hentai scenarios to happen.
That and they don't understand what the genera "Slice of Life" means.
As for the Komi-san ones, people are slowly making those comments (mostly not on this site), mainly due to the introduction of Manbagi to the mix and her recent actions in the series.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 24, 2019
amano is going to lose her skirt D::: what will maa-kun do?!

Seriously how stupid can you be to think Yuki has any shot whatsoever? Maa-kun doesn't see her like that at all.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 28, 2018
incredible how you overlooked the whole manga until the gyaru came
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2019
@SeamusDubh Manbagi been there for the half of the manga (or even more!) and people still act decent towards her, not shitting on Komi etc (all this crap we've seeing here)
@senjoh Jebaited by gyaru. I guess i understand why gyaru trend so popular this days - bcs no brainers gonna throw everything and overlook everything if you give them gyaru girl. I guess it has to be related with some virgin genes, like "this girl is easy to get, if i was you, i've already fucked her!" (but in 99% cases this commentators woulve piss their pants if girl like that approached them and run away with the scream "mommy there is strange girl that want something from me, help!" 😂😂😂). Bcs for this people dont mean anything all the efforts Amano do, all her actions and care for Maa-kun, all they want - "get some girl you virgin".
Jun 26, 2020
@Jmann and that is the problem! She doesn't want to do anything! All those chapters felt like FILLERS because of how pointless they were! The author,instead of making it so that Amano or Shindou makes some advances early on the chapter,Made alot of pointless chapters and made the manga boring! Yukkii coming in was the best thing they could've done because it spices things up! But if they made it so that they atleast made some kind of progress early on would've been much better than making all those chapters.You dont get it do you? They had alot of timeskips! 2 fucking years and nothing happened? What kind of shit is that? Amano's character is bland as fuck just like the other person said earlier in the comments.They made Yukkii the better character and has more development that Amano and it just feels like Amano is becoming more of a side character instead of the Heroine! They need to give Amano more personalities or reveal some secret background to her atleast so that they can give Amano more personality -_- I love the manga but the problem is the pacing of it.If they established a good start early on the story would be much better than it is right now.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 22, 2020
You've heard of cliffhangers, well get ready for a cliffhanger with ripped clothes
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2019
Amano's character is bland as fuck
Well, i cant convince you otherwise if you cant see it yourself - from this "eraser" thing till the Kendo championship - she is the best girl, bcs of how close but not clingy and supportive she is. And it was pointed a lot of times that all she does and why she acts like this - is to help Maa-kun to get through the high school. She KNOWS him, she understand him and his struggle and she DOESNT want be DISTRACTION. The whole comedy thing is that she act like this and still is a distraction. How cant you see it? Whole ecchi thing based on this, and that why it so funny. But cmon! Youve got fucking clingy gyaru, who is clingy AF, acts like she already owns Manabu, have some presumptions about Amano NOT EVEN KNOWING HER - and you say she is the best girl?! Really?! Person, who look down on someone not even knowing them? Remember how she was acting with Maa-kun when they first met - she is just hypocrite. And you call THAT - best girl? Cmon, really? 🤦‍♂️
Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020
I for the life of me cannot understand what appeal do people find in this Yukki. She's clingy with Manabu, cruel with her childhood friend, scheming and absolutely obnoxious. Nothing more annoying than her stupid rants "omg I'm gyaru and I'm aiming for Toudai ! I'm super spacial ! How dare people doubt that a gyaru can be a scholar !". Fuck off there's a reason people hold that conception: gyaru fashion requires huge amounts of time and money to maintain that extremely artificial look, and outside manga people have only 24 hours in a day. Hence the reason why most gyarus had poor academic records and even had to rely on compensated dating to pay for their lifestyle, and why gyaru fashion has been dying lately. I really don't have time now, but I'll make an edit of the "Angel ok" meme to really drive how stupid this girl sounds when her whole character is "gyaru who's aiming for TokyoU".
Jun 26, 2020
@Jmann Well,you win this argument.The only problem with the manga is,just like i said earlier,The pointless chapters that the author made.Alot of the chapters felt irrelevant to the actual story of the manga and it just makes you forget the plot of the whole story (Just like what happened to me,which lead to me saying all those nonsensical bullshit that i said back there.Well,not all of them atleast).It's ok to add chapters like those once in a while and at the start it actually felt refreshing to read.But as it goes on,all those chapters became boring to the point of being obnoxious.If they do a good thing managing this arc then we could actually see more development between the two and it would be delightful if it were to happen.

Thanks for the opinion anyways.Got to open my eyes and understand the story as a whole and not just on my point of view.
Feb 4, 2018
bcs it pisses me off how people after 230 chapters (why are you even here now?!)

"Why are we here even now ?", well, that's probably because the current arc is the most interesting arc since...well...probably the beginning actually.
The rest is mostly filler with ecchi. Yeah, i know that's the appeal of the manga (i suppose), but ecchi alone is not enough after Dozens of chapters.

This story was not a good romance story, was not a good slice of life story too , at this point a lot of people here just continue to read this to see how this thing will finally end.

Doing the same copy-paste chapter after chapter until the story is axed is the worst . A recurrent problem in rom-com and slice-of-life story too.
Oct 22, 2019
@Siquall This manga remind me of Steven universe. That show, was mostly shit. It's had good moments here and there, but overall everything else with kind of filler and a waste of time. But it was going so long, if you drop it now, it felt like that you waste your time and you had see it to the end. And probably like the end SU, probably leave you disappointed.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2019
@Mad_Dawg glad you listened and I got through to you ,rare case in our days, when for most of the people story doesn't matter bcs "wow gyaru girl best, fuck FMC, just fuck this gyaru girl, why do you even need FMC, when you could have this sexy gyaru girl spreading her legs in front of you?!" 🤦🏻‍♂️
Well, I cant argue, that there is more fillers less story in this manga, basically its typical sitcom without horizontal story line, and why its possed people, BUT at the point when you UNDERSTAND Amano motivation (and why she doesn't make moves, as I told you before) and accept this, fact that there will be no progress until graduation - then you can enjoy reading it and laughing about the situations without having frustration.
Well, this, and the basic fact that "while it sales like it sales, just do as you did before". And man - I prefer this way better than some crap like Nisekoi with new girl every 30 chapters, 7 girls in the end - and crappy ending (bcs no matter how you try you cant satisfy readers when you've got 7 girls, for Pete's sake).

but ecchi alone is not enough after Dozens of chapters.
Author literally proved you wrong for 200 chapters. But you are still here.
And yeah, if you couldn't understand character relationships and why Amano not making moves (that was pointed to many times) - cant help it. Also - it's obvious, that she wont do anything before they graduate (though I must say with this new girl she might consider it, BUT - for me - I dont see a point of introduction new girl after 200+ chapters, when manga is going naturally to the end - graduation - when author could've just ended without her.)
And yeah, you can see ecchi trash like Hantsu x Trash (name spoke itself , kek), that ecchj with rivalry and progress could be axed more often, than our girl Amano here.
Anyway, all you've said didnt actually answered why do you read it till 200+ chapters if you so triggered lack of progress... Cmon, I read it few years, and I see this comments since, I guess, 100 chapter, when there was change of TL team (which dropped it with the same argumentation, like "fuck you Manabu, where is the progress?!"), and since then I see it in every chapter for few years - "I swear of there will be no progress in next chapter I'm gonna drop" - and still - here you are. So maybe just stop being hypocrit and admit that you like this manga instead and just try to enjoy it and its humor and light mood? 🤷🏻‍♂️
Dec 17, 2019


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