@Kuroageha He's still focused on getting into Tokyo U and hasn't entirely dismissed that middle-school girl he crushed on. Until he has that thought, "maybe it wouldn't be so bad to come home to this every night" he'll just keep doing what he's doing.
Someone I know was talking positively about "The Boys", so I decided to give it a shot. Roughly ~8 hours later I was finished with all 8 episodes available so far and have to wholeheartedly agree that it's a pretty damn good show.
@Raydnt Are you kidding me with that? Takagi has less development than this does. Only difference being that we got a flashforward halter that confirmed that the two will get married and have a duaguter together. Which led to a spin off. But aside from that, the main story has had very little development, it's all the exact same stuff over and over again.
Get off my back.
The guy I replied to wanted them to get married and have a sequel where they have a kid.
I only referred to Takagi because thats a series where a sequel spawned where they marry and have a kid.
Ive said nothing about any development between characters.
Megumi kendo club’s captain. Who want to be top 4 in the country.
Just skip practice just to play the housewife/nurse with his crush ... and it’s ok ? So ok ... More real to say « no club activities »