its crazy to think i've been reading this for over 200 chapters and it still feels like we're in the first arc of the manga. i'm so close to dropping tbh
Okay, so did the AUTHOR THEMSELVES completely forget about his other love interest?
His entire reason for wanting to enter Tokyo U?
Because nowadays he doesn't even think about her when Tokyo U comes up. It's like he wants to go there just because now.
You know how to tell if a romcom (harem or not) is bland and unimaginative? When the protag wants to be a teacher. None of these guys wants to be a lawyer or doctor or politician or scientist or engineer or whatever. It's ALWAYS a teacher.
why didn't Aki-chan give him a hug instead of just shaking his hand at the end? even by puritanical Japanese standards a cousin/little-sister stand-in giving a hug would be wholesome and cute, no?
So, he will either be a teacher or a researcher at a university cause teaching generally a part of it. Teacher or some sort of banker is all I can see him being f or some reason