Amarimono Isekaijin no Jiyuu Seikatsu: Yuusha ja Nai node Katteni Yarasete Moraimasu - Ch. 2 - The Goddess Favor

Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
Pretty jarring how he pretty much just transported to a new country, with all these connections now, in like two panels.
He also says he "washed up" there? so was he on a ship? Did it sink? Did he swim across the river?
I had tl dm me based on last chapters comments (politely, I might add. had a very pleasant tone to it) so I gave him a list of some corrections this chapter, but quickly ran out of patience/joy (admittedly a large part of why I made any effort at all, was solely because of how polite the message was :) ). That one was way later than where I stopped, but it's actually one of the least incorrect usages of turns of phrases he had. It is perfectly valid, and in fact even somewhat common, to use the phrase "washed up" regardless of being unrelated to seafaring. Though using it for settling down in a location is somewhat more rare (but still not exceptional) than for "washing up" in a community. Like some gang.

If you are curious about what corrections I did end up giving, here's what I gave him:
  • Page 1
    • bubble 2
      • Messing up order/flow of stuff, too tired to remember proper grammatical term for it. Easiest fix would be adding and correcting connecting word, something like "the ... otherworlders is ...", but more correctly should be something like "the country doing x is named y" (move "name" portion to "bob" portion). Also feels a bit off for him to say it is doing so constantly, but might be accurate.
  • page 2
    • panel 2
      • Sign is untranslated, though it's fine in this case as it obviously says "guild".
    • panel 3
      • bubble 1
        • It makes no sense for him to tell here that. Feels like it's either a portion of bubble 2 that moved, or very mistranslated (though I have no idea how his own name would pop up in the latter case)
        • Suffixes should be delimited by a dash: "shin-kun"
    • panel 4
      • Acceptable, but incorrect. Being promoted is not an ongoing thing (It's like addition in math, you do it once, but the added value persists), but a one time event, so can't really use "starting today" even if ppl get what you mean. "starting today you'll be h-rank", or if you really want to mention promotion, "We're promoting you, starting today..."
    • panel 5
      • bubble 1
        • acceptable, but incorrect. Missing the subject ("rank"). Clearly translated from jp as they love skipping that, but in english it's technically grammatically incorrect to do so.
      • bubble 2
        • entirely correct gramamtically, but feels odd to say "only" in the first sentence, and "it's enough" in the second. Particularly as the second implies he considers it unusually quick.
    • panel 6
      • bubble 1
        • Correct and obvious what it means, but might be missing half the sentence. Some tl's would add the other half if it's just the jp loving to skip stuff again (like I said, they like doing that), but here it would still be just as grammatically correct to leave the thought unterminated.
      • bubble 2
        • Not any fault on tls part, but sounds wonky. Either mangaka intended it to sound like mc caught a conversation in mid-swing, or they wrote the dialogue very awkwardly. Most likely the former.
      • bubble 3
        • Unsure, but think "it" might be technically incorrect here ("that's the adventurer" would be better). And overall the sentence sounds wonky after that first sentence, making the dialogue sound even more awkward.
  • Giving up on pointing out exact bubbles, too time consuming
  • " adventurer that registered... time as me"
  • "from..." eh, nvm, good enough, already can't be bothered :p
  • "catch his foot" sounds like a poorly translated turn-of-phrase, but readers will understand from context
  • "without noticing anything" How can you not notice when you is the one doing it?
  • "held back" is probably wrong phrasing, as the guild could hold him back, while the third parties would hamper him, sabotage him, etc. etc.
  • "plotting" planning. "there's no way" there are many ways, you probably mean "I need to avoid" or some equivalent instead. "can reach me" ...

Also reiterated that he should use grammar-checking software, as most errors should get caught by that methinks.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Wow this really does feel like we skipped several chapters, I know we are still in the setup prologue phase but man if they keep doing this jump around it's gonna lower my score for this series.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 18, 2020
I think that when he was referring to "G's", he was talking about cockroaches. So I think "C's" would've fit better for context
Double-page supporter
Jan 10, 2023
This manga is bouncing all over the place and the pacing is so fast like how did some of these happen as well as the kingdom trying to summon him?!?!
Feb 4, 2019
I think that when he was referring to "G's", he was talking about cockroaches. So I think "C's" would've fit better for context

Sorry for the necropost, but in Japanese the word for cockroach is "Gokiburi" so "G" is technically correct.

Beatles are cockroaches with options on their head still makes zero sense

"Options" are a term for swappable accessories for Mechs, in this case referencing Gundam (another "G"). Basically the MC is saying that a beetle has the same basic shape as a cockroach, but has the horn (option) on its head.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 3, 2023
Translation and plot placing quite a load on my brain😅,
Thnx for translation anyways

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