I know the main couple isn't too far off. The boy is 17/18 and the girl just turned 20. As for the sister and the new girl I'm not so sure but I'm assuming around the same age as the other two.wait what's everyone's ages again?
You just know casual beach rapists are getting ready for their shift for one-sama to show her manliness.Pls no drama in our mandatory beach chapter
People that skim mangas probablyI thought this was pretty obvious that this girl likes the older sister, dunno where the love triangle stuff is coming from
There’s no problem with her being lesbian as long it doesn’t affect the main characters lolShe might be gay fr
She'll probably become a wingwoman. A "I'll help you with Hinako if you help me with your sister" kind of deal.There’s no problem with her being lesbian as long it doesn’t affect the main characters lol
Oneesan is definitely into yuriBig sis indeed very beautiful. I hope she has a crush on some decent dude 😅