Ani to Imouto no Shitai Shitai Shitai Koto

Jun 1, 2024
Lovely and wholesome, this is a well done piece that did not disappoint.

Also, I will never understand all these people who read manga on subject they dislike and then shit on it. Nobody forced you, so just skip incest themed manga if it's not your thing? Not sure if trolls or just stupid. Or both.
Exactly the premise might not be appealing but for story wise it did invoke emotions even though it's sad so I wouldn't review bomb it
Dex-chan lover
Jul 15, 2023
pls explain the ending to me, i dont understand. what is fake now, the entire story? or only the bit witje kids? are they actually siblings? are they together and have a "😈-with-each-other-relationship" in the end?
Nothing is fake. In the end he just decided to make a good ending to his own manuscript (final chapter). They have a daughter who went to bed (aka the good girl) and no so good girl (aka his sister) kisses the MC.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 15, 2023
As for th
Exactly the premise might not be appealing but for story wise it did invoke emotions even though it's sad so I wouldn't review bomb it
As you can see despite everything it still has a decent score, so no much review bombing.

Recently MAL deleted my review on lolicon manga that i made 2-3 years ago. I tried to be objective but had to input that author tries to mask it as pseudo-lolicon manga and in reality it is bonafide lolicon manga, just in order to reach to wider audience. In the end my review was removed first on basis of trolling (i wasn't and proved it) than on basis of moral rant (moral rant was about 10%).

Above stated is just to tell you that review bombing is hard to achieve, they(moders) even delete scores and reviews of people are not doing this.

As for incest, i've recently decided on incest theme spree. Most of them are about non-blood related siblings (i knew that incest would have also non-blood relatives) (though definition and dictionary explanation are clear incest=blood relatives), i do not approve incest based on dictionary but step siblings is a complete green light.

I've explored this theme, before in a more scientific theme in order to draw my own conclusions and honestly beside the risk of genetic defect didn't find any. Parent and child of course is a monster theme of itself, which has many negatives and that i couldn't endorse even with non-blood related relatives due power dynamic.

As long as everything is thought through and negotiated it's mostly all good. Even the concept that i personally dislike harems, reverse harems and open marriages are all good morally as long as people were sufficiently informed and consented.

By law nobody can deny you those relationship, the only hurdle is legal marriage but most benefits from marriage can be made via attorney (inheritance, decision power in case you are incapacitated and etc. excluding tax benefits but they are mostly non-existent in some countries). Mostly these kinds of relationships have social encumbrance from ignorant people or from people who already burned themselves.
Aug 15, 2023
what a horrible manga. author wanted to try and create a plausible situation that showed incest working out but they made the characters so ridiculous and un-relatable that the author ending up proving the opposite point true, that incest only works out if everyone involved is completely fucking insane. the lack of imagination and effort is insulting, even for a porn comic.
Mar 1, 2024
The art look pretty nice in my opinion, but what the fuck is the context of this manga???The ending was unexpected, I though the brother going to be a CHAD and will NEVER have sex with his sister. BUT NO!!! HE DID IT MORE THAN ONE. Honestly anyone who rate this manga 10 stars probably find this relatable and goon to it😭😭
Feb 23, 2025
This manga is so fucked up. Yk Im fine with sis con / bro con and I actually quite like it but this, I can't think of other word than fucked up

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