(Sorry for pinging over a year later when you quite possibly don't even bloody remember what this oneshot is, but, I'd just been puzzling over the exact same thing for a bit, so, eh, why not.)
think what happened in those last panels is she was put in the frame of mind of her previous nice dreams; as her happy dreams overlapped a bit with the happiness she's touching on in reality, for a second she perceived the world as such.
Note for instance that the same hand is mechanical still in the panel
right above that.
The other obvious interpretation is it's metaphorical for him being a complete human (given the prior theme of his apparent divorcement from humanity, before their scuffle)
(Okay... so I could also see an argument that they're both dead and this is their afterlife and that's why everything's screwy. There's enough circumstantial supporting evidence for that maybe being a thing here. But I
hate it when people float downer theories like that, and I also don't think that's supposed to be what's going on)