This is just a rant, skip ahead if you're just scrolling here~
I'm pretty sure now that the extent of the fanservice in this series is only going to go as far as close-ups, bath scenes with steam, convenient hair blocking. Even if the artist/author shows blank boobs, there's no guarantee the takubon ver. will have nipples.
It just makes the fanservice we do get (imo) fairly weak.
BUT!!! I could forgive all that, if the fanservice wasn't just used for the comedy relief and having MC-kun always react to it the same way men like him (in other manga) act.
It's just not funny anymore, and making it about 45-50% of the content with no pay off seem pointless.
If he actually does grow a pair, that would make the journey worth it, but archetypes in manga don't really stray from the base characteristics. If your spineless in the start, you'll be spineless at the end (but with a slightly different outlook).