She's a strong support that is good in brawl comps that have been popular lately. Fairly balanced overall although annoying to play against because her stun is easy to use. Overall a good addition to the game even if armor is making certain heros damage sponge a little more than they should. What do you think of reworked torbjorn? *steeples fingers*
i've been getting into overwatch and i'm aiming for diamond next season (season 14 i think). game is fun at times, but i often get a feeling of hopelessness because of how bad everyone is lol
I haven't played in a long time. But if memory servers correctly hitting mid Diamond it starts getting way better team wise. Platinum and sometimes low Diamond, people have skill. They just have very low teamwork IQ. But once you get solidly to Diamond people actually start paying attention to comp and work more as a team. Still get bad players but it is more consistent.
she's ok, i guess? i don't play competitive, so i don't get to experience the same frustration that a lot of other players might.
just sticking to arcade and messing around with friends sometimes.