@bejad007 Anyway good way to find more is to look for the tragedy tag with something like drama
Also there's the Deep Love series of mangas, it's josei, doe some of it is pretty gud.
https://mangadex.org/title/521/shi-ni-itaru-yamai (It's kind of, I think it mostly is just that ending kind of ruins it, but it's worth a read still imo.)
https://mangadex.org/title/9185/itsuya-san (little bit bittersweet, mostly not doe)
https://mangadex.org/title/807/nozoki-ana (It has some of that, mostly drama, but it's pretty good, more on the side of bleak tbh imo)
Also https://mangadex.org/title/9589/kasane , which is well it's quite bittersweet mostly tragic like a tragic theatre play, which fits. It starts out kind of cliche but man it's real fucking great, apart from the ending being kind of eh. i highly recommend it, despite its flaws one of my personal favorites