I'm confused, didn't Hana said she was the coach sister-in-law?
But now it comes out she's his step-sister? (I'm not complaining about anything, I'm just trying to understand better)
@Ulgan Stepsibling seems correct. They have completely different birth parents but are now siblings through marriage to each other's parents. (His mother to her father). I guess we now have the information to call them stepsiblings.
It’s almost like he could’ve said something instead of talking trash behind his players back. YOU’RE A COACH YOUR JOB IS TO COACH NOT WAIT FOR YOUR PLAYERS TO BEG YOU TO COACH THEM IT’S LITERALLY YOUR JOB
It’s almost like he could’ve said something instead of talking trash behind his players back. YOU’RE A COACH YOUR JOB IS TO COACH NOT WAIT FOR YOUR PLAYERS TO BEG YOU TO COACH THEM IT’S LITERALLY YOUR JOB
Fr like they expect him to teach himself how to get better when he literally has no prior training at all. It's so ridiculous. Why not want to teach him how to get better? Why trash talk and wait for him to come to you? That's like a child with a parent who won't teach them basic skills unless they specifically ask. How do they even know what to ask if they don't know anything? So weird