Dex-chan lover
Feb 20, 2019
so judging by that last panel did they just essentially make out in the hallway? Thank you for another great upload its really appreciated.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 18, 2019
The two girls with black hair look too similar. It's kind of confusing sometimes.
Double-page supporter
Aug 19, 2018
That bit at the beginning about essentialism was really interesting; thanks for including that. Not sure what is up with the project bid; did someone submit a fake proposal to sabotage Chao? Clearly something bad happened but I didn't really understand the conversation's subtext. I guess we'll learn more next chapter when she talks to that guy.

Still not a fan of the side couple. The author is writing their dialogue like they chose to have a one-night stand which Fengtang regrets and Wei Yuxi does not. And had that been what happened I think I would enjoy their dynamic. But we saw them right before they had sex in chapter 8, and Fengtang is drunk to the point of not understanding what is happening. She didn't make a choice which she regretted later; she was taken advantage of. Which makes it extremely difficult for me to feel sympathy for Wei Yuxi, even if she has a bad family situation.
Aggregator gang
Mar 14, 2019
@Killthescribe yeah... If it was a guy raping her there would be a huge uproar, but because its two women its forgotten about. Its frustrating because outside of that their dynamic is great, but im sick of authors using rape in yuri to make a character realize they're gay
Aug 13, 2019
From my understanding, someone submitted the project bid this morning, but Director didn’t approve it. Shang Jie thinks to herself, “Oh, so I had the actual one.” (because the files were in her bag) as Director takes the call. I don’t fully get it either, but I’m assuming Director excuses Shang Jie from her office because she’s the first suspect who would’ve and could’ve done some shenanigans. That, and Shang Jie has interned at Tender Company (Shen Bai, the person on the phone, is some chief or another there). So, Director’s likely going to look into the entire thing.

Agreed with the points about Fengtang and Wei Yuxi. I would’ve been a lot more forgiving if Wei Yuxi actually expressed regret or... anything, really, that she took advantage of Fengtang being drunk. But nope. I also love their dynamic so I’m just torn. But considering how far in we are now, I doubt that conversation is ever going to surface again.

And yes, I accidentally read all of Wei Yuxi’s parts as Director and was like, whoa why is Director so emotional now? Realized my mistake when Fengtang called out to her lmao.
Double-page supporter
Aug 19, 2018
@tducouteau Thanks for the explanation. Also yeah I mix Chao and Wei Yuxi up too. You'd think in a color manga they could make the character designs a bit more distinct; they even have the same red lipstick and eyeshadow :/
Dex-chan lover
Jul 22, 2019
Aww they’re holding hands at the end! Wei Yuxi i’m gonna get you outta there and slap the shit out of your grandpa

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